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How long will It take for The American People to fix and mend their relationships after this election is over?

This Election is really becoming a Yuge problem for EVERYONE. There have been too many horrible things said about so many people on both sides that we all know are so untrue. mean things, Its really tearing apart family members and life long friendships. Im really getting tired of All of it. I do support Trump, because I like his Ideas. Anyone who knows me know that Im anything but a racist, yet I have been attacked by both Hillary supporters and even never Trampers for my constitutional right to have an opinion. I am sure that Hillary supporters, Bernie Supporters, and Never Trumpers have felt the same way. This is All pointless. We are going to spend the next 4 years repearing our relationships wit people that we care about but disagree with. It doesn't Matter who wins at this point we are all losers :-( How on earth is America ever going to fix this mess?


Douglas, I certainly hope not.

2 Answers

  • 5 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You ask an opinion. May I express mine, and only mine ?

    I believe when you listen to Hillary, she tells nice stories. Just what everyone wants to hear. Yet, no description of how she would implement these wonderful plans. All over the board, I see no focus. I often use a tactic to learn how truthful people I deal with are. By asking a question, using their answer to examine the detail in reverse, do they still stand up to what they had said before ? Observing carefully what Hillary answers, or says in a similar, I see a glaring absence of following though in a coherent and constant direction. Definitely a mental problem being constant with the truth, OR she is flat out lying. You have to determine that yourself. One way or the other I beleive Hillary is the divider of people, and that she will maintain. Simply because, if she can throw out distractions, and keep people fighting among themselves, not so many see the underhanded work she is doing.

    Now on the other hand, applying my same test. I see Trump is extremely constant. Not the most eloquent certainly in his choice of words, but, he does follow through. It seems he will work to set goals for the path of the American people AND our country. Remember, listen to HIM, what you hear from HIS mouth. Ignore the re-framed babble. I see the media twists much of what he says. When you watch him, listen to HIS words, he makes allot of sense. So I believe with his plan, his setting of goals, the American people can and will begin to work together as it should be. AS it used to be. That is what always has made America Great.

    Does that work for you ma'am ? Watching cable news, you get far too much babel, not facts. The opinion of others should not influence yours. You were taught and encouraged to think for yourself. I applaud you young lady BRAVO !

    * keep on thinking Free and for yourself. It riles them to believe that you perceive the web they weave. ( sorry a loose quote from the past .... a band called the Moody Blues ya know )

  • 5 years ago

    How about if we put our differences aside and vote Gary Johnson? he is a true conservative. But he is also socially inclusive, has an actual plan for immigration and a tax reform and since he isn't a Washington outsider but Does have executive office experience he might be able to bring both sides of the aisle together and Get Stuff Done!

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