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Lv 6

Atheism is all Faith?

ndeed, it is common today for atheists to say, “I can’t prove that there is no God—but I think it highly unlikely that he exists, or at least I haven’t seen convincing proof of his existence, so I don’t believe in him.”

Whether they think it highly unlikely that God exists, or whether they just have not been presented with proof they consider sufficient, they are doing the same thing: adopting a belief without certain proof.

In other words, they are exercising faith.

They are in the same position as the ordinary Christian who holds the existence of God despite his acknowledgement that he does not have conclusive proof of this.

And atheists exercising faith in this way are doing so regarding the central belief of atheism—the non-existence of God.

15 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    Yes, atheism is faith.

    And we can extend that all things we don't believe in.

    "Leprechauns don't exist". There's no certain proof, right? They could be hiding and using faerie magic to beguile our mortal minds so it's only FAITH that prevents us from believing in them.

    The same goes for Yetis, there's a lot of mountain to hide in in the Himalaya region. FAITH. There's no certain proof that they are not there.

    There could be an invisible, unsmellable, intangible, undetectable toro tuna sushi roll that's is seven THOUSAND times the size of the earth levitating mere miles above our heads right now. We can't prove that there isn't (due to undetectability) it's only faith that stops us from thinking that there is.

    Beyond that atheists take the greatest leap of faith of all: they have faith that reality is real. What if reality doesn't even exist? What if we're all in The Matrix? What if I'm in the Matrix, but everyone else is a computer simulation. What if all that we see or seem but a dream within a dream?

    In fact, I think you have proved that the only thing that is actually real is FAITH. Everything else is made from faith.

  • 5 years ago

    "Whether they think it highly unlikely that God exists, or whether they just have not been presented with proof they consider sufficient, they are doing the same thing: adopting a belief without certain proof."

    No. That is different. It is different, because the null hypothesis must be considered true until evidence indicates otherwise.

    You fail to realize that this is the only way to distinguish between reality and fiction/imagination.

    People make up all kinds of things. The ancient greeks made up lots of gods. The ancient egyptians made up an bunch of other different gods, the mayans had their gods and the aztecs had other gods again. Making up stories about gods and how we and all the stuff around us came to be has been a common trait of different civilizations. Later all these religions turned out to be nothing but stories about gods.

    People make up stories about fire breathing dragons, about superheroes and about Santa Claus.

    How do you distinguish those from stories from reality?

    Would you call your assumption that fire breathing dragons are fictional characters a faith?

    "They are in the same position"

    No, my position is very different. Seriously. The null hypthesis is true, until somebody comes up with evidence for a god.

    You think that something exists, you provide evidence for it. Not the other way. Never.

    By the way, you owe me $10000. If you can not provide evidence that this debt is made up, pay me my money until next Monday.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    'they are doing the same thing: adopting a belief without certain proof.'

    Your words, your argument is flawed its roots are based on your opinion which does not and cannot represent all atheists or atheism and would not in any way stand up in the court of law.

    Atheism is lack of faith rather.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Whoo, straw man and false equivalence fallacies posed as a question.

    Our 'faith', like our beliefs are based on evidence and logic, not some religious text and indoctrination. Not all beliefs are equal, despite the dishonest word game of many of the religious.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    The existence, or non-existence, of God is a philosophical posit which cannot be argued from the point of view of religion. For theist religions, the existence of God is a pre-requisite. For atheist religions, the non-existence of God is a pre-requisite. Philosophically, the atheist argument can be shown to be false although that doesn't tell us what God is like or whether anything is required of us.

    Most people who claim atheism are simply rejecting Christianity (or some of Christianity's dafter manifestations). Rather than bothering to listen to the message, they simply claim there is no God. That's not atheism, it's laziness.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I have faith that my dad will take his insulin tonight.

    I have faith that my cat will eat his turkey this afternoon.

    I have faith that my mum will have a cup of tea whilst watching TV later!

    I have faith in these things because it happens near enough, every day!

    Your god has presented nothing to me, so I lack faith in it.

    Faith doesn't come into disbelieving in bûllshit. . .

  • 5 years ago

    You lack honesty, Taylor.

    There are a great many things in this world that we cannot know the answer to with certainty. When people claim to "know" without facts, that is faith.

    However, the rest of us can only assess a likelihood based on the facts available, that is not faith. That is honesty, something you know nothing about.

  • 5 years ago

    People make up all kinds of things. The ancient Greeks made up lots of gods. The ancient Egyptians made up an bunch of other different gods, the Mayans had their gods and the Aztecs had other gods again. Making up stories about gods and how we and all the stuff around us came to be has been a common trait of different civilizations. Later all these religions turned out to be nothing but stories about gods.

  • 5 years ago

    atheism isn't a faith, it's the lack of believing in faith as we want evidence, not fictional delusions.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    5 years ago

    Yes I see the reasoning. So with joy I ask that famous atheist question : Prove your position or accept that it is Faith. He wins, you lose.

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