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Lv 7
? asked in News & EventsOther - News & Events · 4 years ago

What is your position on ISIS? What do we need to do to defeat them?

9 Answers

  • Noah
    Lv 5
    4 years ago

    This is Europe's and Russia's problem...they share borders with these people. They need to do the heavy lifting. The US should withdraw from the middle east and north Africa and stop buying their oil. None of their nationals should be allowed into the US except on a case by case basis. We should make it clear we will defend Israel, Egypt and Jordan. Let the Saudis go as a lot of this problem is of their making. We don't need their oil and we don't need their war. If they attack us then we take out some significant portion of what ever territory they hold regardless of civilian deaths.... we didn't hold back on the Germans or the Japanese. Of course I'm in the minority, but there is no good way to do this.

  • 4 years ago

    A start would be to co-ordinate with the Muslim Council in your country. Most Muslims are opposed to ISIS and most of those killed by ISIS up to now have been fellow Sunni Muslims. The Muslim Councils are, for the main against radical preachers/Imams and co-ordination could help weed out the more extreme Imams.

    Secondly, especially in Iraq and parts of Syria, we should cooperate with the Kurdish fighters (mainly Sunni Muslims) and try to understand Turkey's unhelpful disdain for all Kurds.

    Cooperating with Assad is only going to add fuel to the fire.

    No non-Muslim country can do this on its own. Especially since most of those countries haven't got a clue about Islam and the various factions within the religion.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    ISIS is a manifestation of Islam. Non violent Muslims are just those that don't really believe and practice everything in the Koran. The bigger battle is how will logic and reason defeat ignorance and superstition.

  • 4 years ago

    ISIS is a typical example of how politics and democracy can fail.

    When Obama took over as President, he continued G.W. Bush's withdrawal plans in Afghanistan and Iraq. But by the time the deadlines arrived the political situation in each country had changed, the worst of these was in Iraq. Nouri al-Maliki had become their President, and he was totally biased against the minority Sunni Muslems.

    As soon as the US troops left Iraq, he began a campaign of brutal repression against this minority. That's when Obama should have stepped in, and warn Maliki that he would send the troops back if this repression continued. But the State Department and Pentagon strongly advised against this.

    That was a huge mistake because it allowed someone else to come to the 'rescue' of the Sunni's. That someone was the Islamic State, also known as Daesh.

    Colin Powell made the biggest mistake of all though .. He had a chance to wipe out ISIS and it's unknown leader Abu Mus'ab al-Zarqawi, in it's infancy. He knew exactly where their training camp was in North East Iraq.

    Instead he decided to use this information to tie this group to Osama bin Laden's terror organisation, Al Quaeda. Thus proving Saddam's involvement with this terror group.

    Zarqawi had tried to visit bin Laden and had been totally rejected by him, and sent away with his tail between his legs.

    Imagine the boost to his ego, and status as a terrorist, when Colin Powell suddenly used his name in his speech to the United Nations, to justify the US invasion of Iraq.

    He didn't use Zarqawi's name just once either, but twenty-one times in his speech.

    ISIS suddenly got ALL the support they needed, including an enormous boost to their numbers. Their tiny organisation expanded a hundred-fold almost overnight.

    All because Bush, Powell and Cheney needed something believable, which backed up their lies so they could invade Iraq.

    Sorry you Republicans, but Obama's mistakes were nowhere near as bad as the terrible errors of the Bush administration.

    One lie led to another, to underpin the first, and so on, and so on.

    The truth and nothing but the truth.

    Shame that politics doesn't have the ethics of the Justice system.

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  • 4 years ago

    My position is that isis is bad, and we need to defeat them by asking them nicely to stop it.

  • 4 years ago

    In the old days the CIA used to work with local warlords and despots like Gaddafi. They weren't stellar choices as allies, but relatively harmless to us, predictable and would manage rouge groups for us before they grew to pose a threat. Don't know why we gave up on that.

  • 4 years ago

    Find them, surround them on all sides on land and sea, try to make them surrender, and if they don't take 'em down with a mixture of soldiers and marines, with the navy blocking the coast as an escape route if they're near the ocean.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago


  • 4 years ago

    get rid of them any means possible

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