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John asked in HealthMental Health · 4 years ago

I'm super suicidal?

I'm 18 male. I won't give a huge description,but all symptoms below I mention are EXTREME...

illness causing 24/7 fatigue,dizziness,migraine,brain fog,pressure in head,eyes sensitive to light,dry eyes,reynauds,knee issues,joint issues,future back problems(partial arthritis apparently from MRI),eating issues,depression,anxiety,depersonalization(things feel sooooo off like a dream and sometimes I can barely tell I'm in reality),sensitivity to comfort(this effects my sleep a lot too since I can't handle how clothes or my blanket feel and I have to keep adjusting. During day not as bad. Always have to pee from bladder sensitivity),sleep insomnia,and more such as my newest issue that made me get surgery and be hospitalized 2 times first 3 days second 5....lung collapse/pneumothorax. Lung surgery cut and stapled lung. Left lung has same potential issue as right(right was issue). I've lost everything. I can't even drive my car I saved for months and just recently got. I got learners permit but almost crashed from brain fog.

I'm hopeless....I can't describe the horrible bottom pit feeling I have. Please don't tell me it gets better. That is ******* bull. ILLNESS PERMANENT=PERMANENT not GETS BETTER. Thanks


I've been diagnosed. PERMANENT,genetic,incurable...MITOCHONDRIAL DISEASE. Thx

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You neee to get diagnosed. Maybe you have some sort of condition such as chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia. It could be just as we anxiety and hypochondria causing psycosomatic symptoms that feel real. These can be very powerful and someone suffering it would deny this profusely as they feel so real but it is a possibility. Brain fog is commonly caused by anxiety. I am no doctor but I would be pestering mine to find out what the hell is wrong and then get the proper treatment. And ask about chronic fatigue syndrome as you have described all the symptoms. Even reynauds is a symptom of cfs.

  • 4 years ago

    You are probably suffering from more than one cause. It could be several serious, undiagnosed medical problems, taking too many different meds, or some nutritional deficiency, to mention just a few possibilities.

    If your current doctors are unable to figure out what's causing all these symptoms, ask them to refer you to different ones who could help you. Please, please don't give up!

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