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  • I can't stop thinking about suicide?

    I'm 18 male. I have been CHRONICALLY ill all my life. 24/7 fatigue,dizziness,migraine,brain fog,eyes sensitive to light,dry eyes,depersonalization(I feel disconnected from my body and things feel fake like a dream and sometimes I truly can't tell),reynauds,bad knee,bad joints,sensitivity to comfort(actual medical problem with feeling unfomfortable,like having to pee a often,clothes feeling too uncomfortable,and I can't sit or lay still...which worsens my sleep insomnia),sleep insomnia,eating issues,depression,anxiety,and much more such as lung issues. I had a partially collapsed lung twice...same lung both times. First time was chest tube to drain air. Second time was chest tube and lung surgery which involved cutting top part of lung off then stapling it then attaching to back of chest wall. I have blebs(Air pockets) on my left lung too. I am damned. I lost my life years ago. I'm already dead inside. I saved for months to buy a car and got my permet. Now,I can't drive since I feel like ****!!! I want to die. I'm sorry for the HUGE explanation. I'm tired of people dismissing me. If you see my story,you should understand. I guess I'm just venting. I self harm . I punch my head too. I think I hurt my jaw permanently. Anyways,thanks for hearing me out.

    1 AnswerPsychology4 years ago
  • I want to kill myself?

    I'm 18M. I am ill with permanent genetic incurable disease. I'm exhausted. Fatigue,dizziness,migraine,and soooooooooooooooooooooo much more 24/7 nonending. Lung collapses,brain fog,reynauds,sleep insomnia,are just some of the extra ones. I can't live. I self harm. I punch my head and more.

    3 AnswersMental Health4 years ago
  • I want to die so badly?

    I'm 18 male. So many problems. So many. My permanent and genetic and incurable disease causes hell. DONT TELL ME TO SEE DOC TO SEE IF ITS CURABLE. AS I SAID,ITS NOT AND IVE SEEN THE BEST OF THE BEST DOCS. IM ALREADY ON VITAMINS AND MEDS. BEST MEDS. I'm sick. Fatigue,dizziness,migraine,and beyond so much more 24/7. I want to die. I am homeschooled and recently had surgery due to lung collapse. I haven't done school. I thought I'd be dead way by now. It's sad to imagine leaving my family. But I can't live feeling like crap physically and mentally. I am not exaggerating. The symptoms mentioned above...I have like 5-6 times that many symptoms all severe. I need to die

    2 AnswersMental Health4 years ago
  • I'm super suicidal?

    I'm 18 male. I won't give a huge description,but all symptoms below I mention are EXTREME...

    illness causing 24/7 fatigue,dizziness,migraine,brain fog,pressure in head,eyes sensitive to light,dry eyes,reynauds,knee issues,joint issues,future back problems(partial arthritis apparently from MRI),eating issues,depression,anxiety,depersonalization(things feel sooooo off like a dream and sometimes I can barely tell I'm in reality),sensitivity to comfort(this effects my sleep a lot too since I can't handle how clothes or my blanket feel and I have to keep adjusting. During day not as bad. Always have to pee from bladder sensitivity),sleep insomnia,and more such as my newest issue that made me get surgery and be hospitalized 2 times first 3 days second 5....lung collapse/pneumothorax. Lung surgery cut and stapled lung. Left lung has same potential issue as right(right was issue). I've lost everything. I can't even drive my car I saved for months and just recently got. I got learners permit but almost crashed from brain fog.

    I'm hopeless....I can't describe the horrible bottom pit feeling I have. Please don't tell me it gets better. That is ******* bull. ILLNESS PERMANENT=PERMANENT not GETS BETTER. Thanks

    2 AnswersMental Health4 years ago
  • Is suicide the right choice to make?

    I'm 18 male. I have a 24/7 illness. I cannot describe to you how depressed and sick(physically and mentally) makes me feel. It causes 24/7 : fatigue,dizziness,migraine,brain fog,sensitive eyes to light(worsens migraine and things always look too bright or dark),dry eyes,reynauds,bad knee,bad joints,future back issues(partial spine arthritis),depression,anxiety,sleep insomnia,sensitivity with comfort and with eating food,slower healing(I swear I scar easier than most people and slowly heal),etc all 24/7...including my newest problem,partiallung collapse/partial pneumothorax. First time that happened was this August. It went away on its own(I thought it was some freak thing) but came back about 10 days or so later. That time I went to the hospital and had a chest tube and drained the air collapsing it. I went home 3 days later. I was sick as crap from the meds not let alone my other crap. My chest never felt great again. My right side(that's the same side as the lung) always cramped probably because of the blebs. I went back again 3 weeks ago. It did it identically again. I had chest tube and ACTUAL lung surgery. They chopped the top part off,stapled the rest shut,and attached it to the back of my chest wall. I was in the hospital 5 days! IM ******* 18!!!! Imagine how much more of this crap is ahead of me! I seem to get a new permanent issue every few years. The last one was probably either extra dizziness or my knee issue. Btw my LEFT lung has blebs too. Chances are

    4 AnswersPsychology4 years ago
  • Headache from blood choke?

    Hi. I'm 18 male. I hate myself and did the blood choke on myself. Now my neck and back of head are pounding. Naproxen did nothing like usual for my always migraine. Could my carotid artery be damaged?

    1 AnswerPsychology4 years ago
  • I think I may end it tomorrow?

    Hi. I'm 18 male. My life sucks. I'm sick. Mitochondrial disease destroyed everything. 24/7 fatigue,dizziness,migraine,brain fog,pressure in head,eyes sensitive to light(worsens migraine),dry eyes,reynauds,bad knee and joints,spine has partial arthritis which will cause future issues,sensitive body(food texture,the way clothes feel against me as in they can't be pushing in one area of my back when I'm laying down or underwear annoyance and always have to pee),sleep apnea,confusion(I feel like I'm in a dream a lot due to everything,things always feel fake and I doubt this reality as though it's a dream.),etc such as recent lung issues(pneumothorax/partial lung collapse!). I had surgery first time it happened this August, that was just chest tube to drain Air. Second time 2 1/2 weeks ago was chest tube and top of lung cut off and lung stapled then attached to back of chest wall. I bought my first car and got my permit. I quit driving a month ago thanks to brain fog almost making me crash. I need to die. Please help and feel free to really explain. Not short messages saying "it gets better" because that probes you're stupid and don't get that "THIS" won't get better. Thanks

    2 AnswersPsychology4 years ago
  • Why would we have physical bodies in heaven?

    Why have physical bodies instead of being purely spirit? Why would God need to give us physical bodies? It doesn't mKw sense to me. We would then be trapped as well in a cage

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 years ago
  • I'm depressed badly?

    I'm 18 male. Illness causing soooooo many symptoms. Incurable. Permanent. Genetic. HELL. "HYPOTHETICALLY" If I was to "end" it today,am I selfish?

    Migraines,fatigue,dizziness,eye sensitivity to light,dry eyes,brain fog,bad knee and joints,aching body,anxiety,sensitivity to comfort(physically and therefore mentally agitated),depression,etc 24/7. Now am I selfish?

    Thx for opinions.

    Mental Health4 years ago
  • I'm on the edge of killing myself?

    Im 18 male. I'm on the edge of ending it ALL. My illness has destroyed everything!!! Migraine,fatigue,dizziness,brain fog,sensitivity to light(eyes),dry eyes,reynauds,bad knee,bad joints,aching body,anxiety,sleep issues(maybe insomnia),sensitivity with comfort,etc...all 24/7!!!!!! LITERALLY 24/7!!! My bro at 14 is shorter than me,yet I'm living in his shadow. I'm done. I am done. I'm fantasising ending it.

    Mental Health4 years ago
  • Does God forgive you no matter what?

    I am 18 male. I've insulted and CUSSED at God and threatened to kill and torture Him. I even promised to do so. I'm not religious, but if he's real I blame him for creating me and everyone else to suffer. Like allowing me to have a debilitating disease. The question is,can I be forgiven or have I committed blasphemy? SERIOUS ANSWERS ONLY PLEASE...

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 years ago
  • Will God forgive me?

    I am 18 MALE. I have insulted God and threatened to kill and torture Him. I'm not religious,so I think I just did it to get my anger out. But In case he is real,would he forgive me? PLEASE HELP

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 years ago
  • Life sucks:True or False?


    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys4 years ago
  • Is suicide wrong?

    In my case,i have a genetic permanent disease! Migraines. Fatigue. Dizziness. Pressure in head and body. Sensitivity to light. Dry eyes. Bad knee and joints. Brain fog. Reynaud's. Hypothermia caused by REYNAUDS. Depression. Etc... All symptoms I mentioned are 24/7 nonstop. I'm in too much pain. I never had a normal childhood. Always sick and seeing docs. Not social. I'm done. Please tell me if you actually think this is selfish of me to want to kill myself,and to do so. Please give and explain opinions. What would you do in my situation? What are your religious opinions?(I'm not religious). Thanks!

    10 AnswersMental Health4 years ago
  • Is suicide a selfish act?

    I'm 18 male my disease has made me very ill. VERY iLL. MIGRAINES,FATIGUE,DIZZINESS,SENSITIVITY TO LIGHT,PRESSURE IN HEAD AND BODY,BAD KNEE,BAD JOINTS,BRAIN FOG,REYNAUDS,HYPOTHERMIA,DEPRESSSION,SOME ANXIETY,ETC ETC 24/7! If you ask me,someone calling my selfish is actually selfish themself. I think living this hell,since I am myself,im suffering more than anyone would from my death. What are your opinions? Please explain.

    6 AnswersMental Health4 years ago
  • Advice on suicide?

    I need the best method to donate organs. I have my reasons. Don't question me. Don't respond unless you answer my actual yahoo question. Please email with good methods. Thanks to those who help.

    Mental Health4 years ago
  • Will I go to hell if I kill myself?

    Im 18 male. Nobody physically depends on me(I don't have kids or wife). And I have a disease causing MAJOR issues. I promise I'm not just complaining or exaggerating. I wouldn't be considering suicide unless my situation was BAD. THANKS

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 years ago
  • What is the best way to kill myself?

    Im 18 male. Disease causing 24/7:fatigue,dizziness,migraine,dry eyes,pressure in head,sensitivity to light,bad knee and joints,reynauds,brain fog,depression,etc etc. I got my driver's permit and have been practicing...I ever got my own car! But today I almost crashed. Want to know why? Not because I was texting. Not because I was looking down. It's because of my brain fog. Always there,but flares up horribly out of nowhere and i feel like passing out. That's why I almost crashed! Im f'ing done. Suicide is the ONLY answer for me. Please I beg beyond your imagining for help!!pls email with good suicide methods that let you donate organs! Thanks to those who help

    7 AnswersMental Health4 years ago
  • I'm a coward?

    Im 18 male. My disease has destroyed my life. I hate it and want to die. I've been wanting to die more than ever since last summer. I've been too scared to follow through. You don't know what it feels like to look this way...what do I do

    2 AnswersPsychology4 years ago