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With all the information about how Xmas is Pagan, How come so many people still think it's Christian?

55 Answers
- ?Lv 64 years ago
This is just another example of Christians being pathalogicl liars. It's an undeniable historical fact the holiday is pagan and that Emperor Constantine, a pagan at the time, invented Christmas yet we still get all this stupid denial by a bunch of people who simply can't accept truth.
Theists, grow up, quit being the pathalogical liars you are and trying to justify a god you can't justify and just admit: "Sure we know it had pagan origins, now it's Christian, so what." And when you've admitted that stop with your stupid: "Why do atheists observe the holiday" it just doesn't work, makes you look stupid and gives Christianity a bad name.
On the other hand, prove you're stupid liars by using your thumbs down hurt feelings symbol.
- MayflowerLv 74 years ago
Christmas is Mass for Christ... get it in your head:it starts with Christ
A massive media blitz to promote paganism won't make the Christmas pagan.
It is still CHRIST ..nature and underscores the truths that make Christmas truly wonderful.
Colossians 1:15-20 says,
He is the image of the invisible God, the first born of all creation. For. . . all things have been created by Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the first born from the dead; so that He Himself might come to have first place in everything. For it was the Father's good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him, and through Him to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross.
- Gary BLv 74 years ago
Th DATE is based in Paganism. Most Christian knwo that Jesus WAS NOT born on December 25th, but that date was chosen to coincide with the Winter Solstice.
But a specific day is jiust another date on the calendar, and has NO specific meaning. HOW YOU CELEBRATE THAT DATE can be either Christian or Pagan, based on what YOU do.
- Anonymous4 years ago
Because Christianity itself is 'Pagan'.
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- 4 years ago
You are absolutely right, Christmas has no roots in true Christianity- it's an empty deception. Even though Christmas has pagan origins many feel that it is not wrong to celebrate it. It is a myth that refuses to die. This simple act of observance is blasphemy to God. This is not pleasing to Almighty God. Isaiah 5:20 further says, "Woe to those who say that good is bad and bad is good. Those who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness.Those who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!" It is blatant disrespect to our Creator.
- 4 years ago
It was actually invented by missionaries and other people that wanted to convert the pagans. They said that their savior's birthday was only 4 days after Yule, and that they should celebrate it too. And so they did. It's made by Christians, but it was invented to convert people.
Source(s): I'm pagan. Happy upcoming Yule, by the way! :) - wombatfreaksLv 74 years ago
It certainly had it's beginnings as a pagan festival, but as those pagans adopted Christianity, they (like most people moving/changing religions, etc), they enjoyed maintaining their own favorite foods, celebrations, music, etc. Religions adapt and change as they spread and/or over the years, they must, or they vanish.
All holidays, holy days, festivals, celebrations, incorporate elements of older traditions, including New Years, Christmas, Bastille Day, , Thanksgiving, Cinco de Mayo, and Easter, doesn't mean they are not valid to those who are celebrating.
A pagan and a Christian may choose to decorate their home, give gifts, and celebrate with friends, but nothing stops a Jew, Hindu, or a person with no religion at all from doing the same thing. If they feel like going to a church, mosque, or synagogue while they are at it, so what?
- MoondoggyLv 74 years ago
Because all of that information is nonsense. Start a new question, list some of that information, and I would be happy to respond to it.
Specifically, what pagan holiday was originally Christmas?
Saturnalia? Was not celebrated on December 25th, has nothing to do with the birth of a deity.
Yule? Unknown outside of Denmark before the 5th century, was not celebrated on December 25th until after they adopted the Christian calendar, had nothing to do with the birth of a deity.
Nativity of Sol Invictus? Did not exist until the late third century, long after the first extent records of Christians celebrating Christmas.
- Anonymous4 years ago
How silly can you get? Christmas is Christ's Mass. That is very Catholic. It is certainly not pagan.
Come to mass and you will see we worship God and no pagan gods are mentioned.
Always glad to help the confused and ignorant.