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Taking a woman to a date to your church?

So I met this woman on E-Harmony the other day and asked her out on a date. We matched on 28 of our 29 Dimensions of Compatibility. The one big issue? She is Irish Catholic and I am Protestant. No biggie right? We have come a long way since the dark ages!

I took her on a date. She is everything I want out of a woman. I had a really fun time planned since my family does a marathon choir singalong every year. She seemed really into for for the first three hours but then said she had a headache and left.

I haven't called her back since I am guessing that she probably isn't into me because of my religion. What do you think?

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Your profile page says you just got married 2-3 weeks ago, you lying douche-nozzle !

    So, mama's boy, which fantasy is is today...Married or Dating ?

    Source(s): Harleys are cheap, American garbage. Wouldnt be caught dead on one of those inferior rattle-traps.
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