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Balding HD Rider

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  • Get a bigger engagement ring if you lose weight before the wedding?

    Help settle an argument with me and my girlfriend. She thinks I am being insulting by bringing up her wedding ring size and what weight she should be by our wedding.

    We have discussed getting married in the next year. I told her that I would get her the engagement ring we have looked at while shopping at Zales. She wants a two carat ring. I told her that if she dropped 30 lbs for our wedding, I would get it for her. 

    She is 5"5" and about 160.

    I also gave her a graduated scale of a quarter carat reduction for every 5 lbs she is off. For example, if she only loses 20 lbs, she will get a carat and a half sized ring.

    She eats like a pig so I think she will be stuck with a half carat diamond when we get hitched. I actually took her to Olive Garden after we went to Zales and watched her load up on a truckload of all you can eat breadsticks. No way she hits neg 30 lbs! This will also be good since I cannot afford a 2 carat ring anyway.

    She got really mad when I brought up my weight reduction goal for her. I think she is being ridiculous over this.

    She thinks that she should get a half a carat reduction for every 10 lbs and not every 5 lbs. 

    Who is right in this circumstance?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 months ago
  • Should John McCain apologize to President Trump for not allowing him to speak at his funeral?

    I think he ought to show him some respect. I mean, he is our President and committed to keeping us safe from terrorists, Making America Great Again and closing off the Border! I think he should apologize! Dont'you!?!?!?

    3 AnswersCurrent Events3 years ago
  • Are cleaning supplies a good gift for Valentine's day?

    My girlfriend said she wanted to "get dirty" for Valentine's Day. I thought she meant clean the apartment since it is so filthy so I bought some cleaning supplies and a sponge mop for her to clean.

    She won't talk to me after she opened the gift.

    What do I do?

    1 AnswerValentine's Day3 years ago
  • Keep your "chins" up!?

    So I have been dating this broad for about 4 months now. She is going through a tough time (something about her mother dying or something) and she came to me crying the other day. Which was really rude because I was right in the middle of playing Xbox but that isn’t the point of this story.

    I tried to cheer her up but slipped up a bit. I told her “Keep your ‘chins’ up” accidentally. She is a bit overweight and does have multiple chins. She is furious with me now. I tried to point out that “Well, you do have more than one chin” to her. She is really mad at me. I am not really sure why since she has always told me to be honest with her.

    What do you think?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Taking a woman to a date to your church?

    So I met this woman on E-Harmony the other day and asked her out on a date. We matched on 28 of our 29 Dimensions of Compatibility. The one big issue? She is Irish Catholic and I am Protestant. No biggie right? We have come a long way since the dark ages!

    I took her on a date. She is everything I want out of a woman. I had a really fun time planned since my family does a marathon choir singalong every year. She seemed really into for for the first three hours but then said she had a headache and left.

    I haven't called her back since I am guessing that she probably isn't into me because of my religion. What do you think?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Taking a woman to a date to your church?

    So I met this woman on E-Harmony the other day and asked her out on a date. We matched on 28 of our 29 Dimensions of Compatibility. The one big issue? She is Irish Catholic and I am Protestant. No biggie right? We have come a long way since the dark ages!

    I took her on a date. She is everything I want out of a woman. I had a really fun time planned since my family does a marathon choir singalong every year. She seemed really into for for the first three hours but then said she had a headache and left.

    I haven't called her back since I am guessing that she probably isn't into me because of my religion. What do you think?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 years ago
  • Sending someone a bill for not showing up to a wedding?

    I got married last weekend! Yay Me!!! The wedding went well. We did a Harry Potter Theme in Vegas. We rented a room at Circus Circus. Everyone loved it! I dressed as, of course, Harry Potter!!!

    I had a question for everyone on wedding etiquette. We invited 45 people and only 43 showed up. One couple was supposed to show but did not. They emailed ahead of time. Something about a sick child having hoof and mouth disease and not being able to attend. I am not sure since I didn’t read the entire email since it was MY DAY and couldn’t be bothered by them. The dinner buffet was really expensive, like $39 per person from what my wife’s Dad told me (he paid for the wedding).

    My question is this. Since they didn’t show up, I sent them a bill for the dinner they didn’t eat. I asked them to pay me back for the $80 that my father in law had to pay. (I have my eye on a new Snape wand at Orlando that costs about $80)

    They are now balking at this, saying they had a sick child and shouldn’t have to pay me for the missed meal. Can you believe that?!?! I think it is rude they didn’t show up. The guy told me “We sent $100 in cash as a wedding present, can you take it from that?” which I think is extremely rude since that was a gift to us, the happy couple. Why should I be forced to dip into the gift fund when they skipped out on dinner?

    What is the best way to collect on deadbeat wedding guests?

    25 AnswersWeddings4 years ago
  • If Rambo rode a Harley Davidson in “First Blood” rather than a Yamaha XT would he have gotten away from the cops?

    What an awesome movie! I get chills every time I watch this great cinema! I have always had one question that burns in the back of my mind. At one point during the movie, Rambo is fleeing from the cops. He gets on a crappy rice burner bike and fails to outrun the law enforcement. If he had ridden away on an HD bike, like a Sportster, would he have gotten away?

    9 AnswersMotorcycles5 years ago
  • Best Motorcycle movie?

    I would have to say Harley Davidson and the Marlboro man. Simply because HD motorcycles are the best bikes out there by far! I would deduct a few points since the title does promote smoking. A big no no for the contemporary Harley rider!

    I would have to say Wild Hogs and Ghost Riders are probably the most well-known movies. They have the best cast and the acting is superb.

    What is your favorite motorcycle movie?

    9 AnswersMotorcycles5 years ago
  • Taking a service dog to Disneyland?

    I am training a service dog for blind people. I am told I should get the animal out around a lot of people. I am planning a trip to Disneyland since there are a lot of people there. What rides allow dogs on them? Also, should I get a special harness for rides like the Matterhorn? Or do they have them there?

    2 AnswersAmusement Parks5 years ago
  • Best way to carry home groceries on a motorcycle?

    I love to go to Costco and load up on cheap Chardonnay and licorice whips. It is about 7 miles from my house so I typically ride my Harley since this within my comfort level distance wise. The only problem is I don’t know how to load up a case of Bogle wine and cheese puffs while riding home. What do you guys do?

    12 AnswersMotorcycles5 years ago
  • Riding a motorcycle on a treadmill?

    Like a lot of contemporary Harley riders, I live to ride, ride to live! However, I am super busy in my daily life and cannot take time off to conduct long ridges on my favorite HD product. I am curious if anyone has ever ridden their motorcycle on an indoor treadmill so they can get some mileage in? I would love to set this up in my apartment. I could set it up with my Apple computer and watch TV rather than having to go outside and deal with the weather.

    11 AnswersWrestling5 years ago
  • Leaving the vehicle running while pumping gas?

    Help settle an argument with my special friend Troy and me. We cruised around San Francisco this weekend on vacation and when we stopped for gas in the Castro, we got into a huge argument. He had bought me some delicious paninis that I was munching on in the front seat and lighting up my second cigarette of the day when I noticed that he hadn’t turned off the ignition while filling the car up with gas!!!! I feel he is incredibly dangerous with his behavior and let him know that he was endangering my life. Imagine leaving a car running while filling up! What an idiot!!!!

    I chastised him since this is incredibly unsafe to do this. He said that since it is an electric car (we have a Prius), there is no danger. I disagree.

    Who is right?

    5 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation5 years ago
  • What theme should I pick for my upcoming wedding?

    Hooray! I am getting married! I popped the question and she said "Yes"!!!!

    We are talking about getting married during the renaissance festival, our favorite event and where we met!

    I was also thinking of a Star Trek wedding theme. Or maybe Twilight (our favorite movie!) or Harry Potter.

    What are your favorite wedding themes? Any suggestions for us lovebirds???

    Your thoughts?

    11 AnswersWeddings5 years ago
  • Should I but a new car or a engagement ring for my girlfriend?

    I really love my girlfriend and was planning on popping the question. I looked at engagement rings and they are really expensive. I am thinking about asking her to marry me without a ring and buying a cool car instead of a ring. I figure that other girls would find me more attractive if I have a cool car. If I can do better than my current girlfriend, I can upgrade girlfriends and drive a cool car. If not, I can stick with what I got and marry her.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Where can I get business cards with a Harley Davidson logo?

    I don't work for HD but I love their products! Does anyone know if they make HD branded business cards? I would love to get HD branded cards since, as everyone knows, the HD logo is synonymous with quality and precision. I would love to get these cards for my job at Best Buy.

    12 AnswersJokes & Riddles5 years ago
  • Good place to get motorcycle artwork done?

    I want to get some motorcycle artwork done on my Halry. I want to pay tribute to the greatest bike ever manufactured and a true American legend. I plan to get Hannah Montana painted on the side of my Halry since she is so cute and such an American Patriot! She truly symbolizes what the modern American HD rider is all about!

    What do you think?

    9 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • George Bush = USA Basketball win!

    George Bush told the USA basketball team “Get a W for W!” before they went out and trounced China in Men’s basketball. It is so refreshing to see Olympians care so much about their president to get him a win! I think Bush inspired the athletes so greatly, they are on the path to a gold medal. (I know he inspires me on a daily basis with his great leadership!)

    Do you think his visiting China will cause the US to get all the gold medals? I think so!

    What do you think?

    7 AnswersOlympics1 decade ago