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Riding a motorcycle on a treadmill?

Like a lot of contemporary Harley riders, I live to ride, ride to live! However, I am super busy in my daily life and cannot take time off to conduct long ridges on my favorite HD product. I am curious if anyone has ever ridden their motorcycle on an indoor treadmill so they can get some mileage in? I would love to set this up in my apartment. I could set it up with my Apple computer and watch TV rather than having to go outside and deal with the weather.

11 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    Motorcycles have been growing in popularity as humans discover that they're not for recreational (fun), but a great and a cheap way to travel from one place to another. Yes, motorcycle may be answer to your daily commute, but can be life threatening, if serious precautions are not taken before (or while) riding it.

    Most on road bike injuries happen because of the biker's fault, but the blame is always thrown on the drivers of heavy automobiles: the cars, the trucks, the buses, etc.

    Source(s): To know more about this Safely ride bike
  • 5 years ago

    A treadmill is a crude substitution for a "dynameter" (google it)

    A dynameter - the front wheel is clamped to the meter and does't move.

    If your bike's speedometer is operated by the front wheel, no mileage will be recorded.

    There is no way you can secure your bike to a treadmill.

    Do you feel lucky? - try it

  • Snezzy
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Move to Norway. It's the legendary home of Troll Bridges with their trolls and their Billy Goats Gruff. Gaa til Norge, du troll du!

  • ?
    Lv 6
    5 years ago

    LOL You would still put in more miles than the average HD rider. LOL Their big adventure usually consist of riding to the corner bar for some beers and posing in their leathers with fringes and bandanas with other dweebs in their "gang". LOL I wouldn't own one if they paid me.

    If wondering, the bike in my pic is a Confederate, one of 8 bikes in my current collection. I ride and own real bikes.

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  • 5 years ago

    I think that harleys should definitely be ridden on threadmills, for both benefits of riders and bikes ad I LOVE the flies idea

  • 5 years ago

    That is if you use the treadmill outside because if you're using it inside, the fumes will kill you.

  • 5 years ago

    You'd theoretically not be stable and would simply fall over.

  • 5 years ago

    Be careful on the long sweeper turns as you might need to lean a little.

  • 5 years ago

    BTDT. At the dealer, not at home.

    Wasn't much different from spinning my rear tire in the driveway.

  • Tim D
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Yes do it. Pay your Mum to fire flies at your teeth.

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