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Taking a service dog to Disneyland?

I am training a service dog for blind people. I am told I should get the animal out around a lot of people. I am planning a trip to Disneyland since there are a lot of people there. What rides allow dogs on them? Also, should I get a special harness for rides like the Matterhorn? Or do they have them there?

2 Answers

  • OC1999
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    First of all how far along are you in training the Service Animal? As if you are still in the beginning a place like Disneyland may not be the best option yet. I would first consult your mentor to see if they recommend it at this time.

    Service animals are not allowed on every ride or attraction. For the ones they are allowed on you just use your standard harness. You would basically follow the same guidelines and procedures for people in Wheelchairs.

    For the ones they are not allowed on you would either use the Rider Switch program, where part of your party would go on the ride and another member would watch the animal. Then when the first party is done you "switch" and the other party can ride without having to wait in line. On select attractions they have portable kennels you can use while you ride. This is a primary reason the training is important as you will be basically leaving them alone in a kennel while you ride.

    Cast Members are not allowed to take control of the pet, and just like with people if your Service Animal does cause a disturbance or other issues you would have to take them out of the park.

  • 5 years ago

    Here is the link to the service animal information page of the Disneyland website:

    This page includes a list of attractions service animals are restricted from.

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