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What theme should I pick for my upcoming wedding?

Hooray! I am getting married! I popped the question and she said "Yes"!!!!

We are talking about getting married during the renaissance festival, our favorite event and where we met!

I was also thinking of a Star Trek wedding theme. Or maybe Twilight (our favorite movie!) or Harry Potter.

What are your favorite wedding themes? Any suggestions for us lovebirds???

Your thoughts?


Harsh crowd! Merlin, just because you cannot find a woman to love you, you shouldn't be such a hater. Try to find some love in your icy black heart.

25 Answers

  • 5 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    We've become a nation of perpetual adolescence. Themed wedding - ugh, how childish. Go ahead, let the thumbs down begin!!!

  • 5 years ago

    Weddings do NOT have 'themes'. Guests expect a normal wedding. Save 'themes' to decorate your home with.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I'd check with the wedding party and see what they prefer and what they can afford. Costumes can be expensive and the styles are not going to flatter all body types.

    Renaissance dresses can be very heavy. You don't want your ladies passing out if it's warm weather. Think about what the weather, the time of year and what the temperature will be like. You don't want to look like drowned Klingons if it is the rainy season.

    I saw a video of an outdoor wedding forced into a tent when a storm came up. They thought they had covered all their bases.

    The downpour collapsed the tent; the wedding cake and all the food were soaked in the flood. The groom thought it was funny, but his bride was in tears.

    You want happy memories, whatever you do.

  • 5 years ago

    This isn't a child's birthday party. The "theme" of your wedding is getting married. If the bride wants to have a dress that is more renaissance-like is design, so be it. Stop there. This is a SERIOUS emotional and legal commitment you are making. Treat it as such. You can go to Comicon or the Festival as a honeymoon.

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  • 5 years ago

    I would not do Harry Potter, or twilight, AND DEFINITELY NOT STAR TREK. Seriously don't, your whole family will think your insane and your guests will be weirded out. I think when most people say theme, they mean a color, like blue or grey or pink. Ex; the bridesmaid dresses are blue, the cake has tiny blue flowers, guests wear a blue tie, ect. I'm not trying to be rude, but have a normal wedding. Looking back you'll be glad you did.

  • Blunt
    Lv 7
    5 years ago


    I am not fond of wedding themes. Why? Because it will complicate things to the umph degree. Other than a color or season theme, I think it maybe too juvenile.

    If I would have to choose between the ones you listed, I would pick the Renaissance festival, but beware that trying to do "everything" rennasance can become expensive, and difficult. A dash of it would be enough, and please, please, please don't demand for people to come in costumes! It would turn people off.

    Good luck on your upcoming nuptials

  • 5 years ago

    Pick one thing, and use it in a SUBTLE way. Like your cake topper, or your garter. Or, if you're offering favors, incorporate it into that (like candy or cookies with the Star Trek logo or shaped like the Sorting Hat or something). Print out love-themed quotes from either series, add a number, frame them, and use them as table numbers.

    ANY theme - whether it's a color, a motif (a leaf, a specific symbol, a pattern like houndstooth, etc.), or a movie/book/TV series (whether it's "adult" or "juvenile") - is going to look dumb if you overdo it. Use a light touch.

    I once saw a very expensive wedding with a "pink" theme - pink attire, tablecloths, flowers, favors, champagne, and I kid you not, the toilet paper - was pink, and it just looked tacky and stupid. It turned an expensive wedding at a very classy venue into a joke.

    We used a color and a nature/trees/vines theme. The bridal party wore black with a pop of theme color; my shoes and my husband's tie were the theme color; the invitations were in the theme color with a tree on them; there was a tree symbol on each place card; and the glass candle holders on the tables were in our theme color. That was it. A few people noticed it, but it wasn't thrown in everyone's face so it wasn't overwhelming.

    I wouldn't use Twilight, whatever you do. It's generally thought of as a joke, and their relationship was incredibly unhealthy and not something you should use to kick off your marriage. If you're going to pick one, then pick either Harry Potter or Star Trek.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Weddings do not need themes.

    Saying that, if you pick an theme, it should be natural to the couple.

    If you are talking about getting married during the renaissance festival, would that be the theme? Why add something different?

  • 5 years ago

    You can do it subtly like with mine i love the jack and Sally "simply meant to be". Mine is just gonna be a quote of it on the cake, cake topper and subtly in the invites so that it doesnt seem like a kids party but also has a hint of it. If youre looking for a Renaissance type theme i would go with a rustic type wedding that way it is still beautiful and romantic

  • 5 years ago

    Bwahaha! You have a lot of nerve talking to Merlin that way when a week ago you were trying to decide if a car was a good chick magnet: /question/index?qid=20160...

    If you're still looking to upgrade your current model, I say do whatever you want. The marriage will last about a month, so you might as well go big or go home!

  • ?
    Lv 6
    5 years ago

    How about a wedding theme? grown adults don't throw themed weddings like they're teen parties.

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