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Taking a woman to a date to your church?

So I met this woman on E-Harmony the other day and asked her out on a date. We matched on 28 of our 29 Dimensions of Compatibility. The one big issue? She is Irish Catholic and I am Protestant. No biggie right? We have come a long way since the dark ages!

I took her on a date. She is everything I want out of a woman. I had a really fun time planned since my family does a marathon choir singalong every year. She seemed really into for for the first three hours but then said she had a headache and left.

I haven't called her back since I am guessing that she probably isn't into me because of my religion. What do you think?

10 Answers

  • Corey
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Three+ hour marathon choir singalong? It's not because you're protestant and she's catholic. Be an adult, call her and talk to her. If she's not into you because of your denomination, because of your three+ hour singing marathon, or because you took her to your church for a date, or any other reason, let her tell you. Give her the opportunity to be honest. If its not a match, then you can move on with no hard feelings. Maybe she had a headache for real. I don't know, but she does.

  • 4 years ago

    If a guy I was interested in wanted to take me on a date to church, I would no longer be interested in him, but that's just me...

    Chances are good, you won't hear from her again. If you're that into being Protestant, I'd suggest you find a like minded lady.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Just ask her out again, but tell her that you don t won t do marathon-type things again with her unless she wants to. (Any type of marathon can give one a headache after 3 hours.)

    If you start dating and religion becomes an issue, just start studying the Bible together, especially the NT. Discover how you each interpret what you are reading. See where there are differences and similarities.

  • 4 years ago

    It would be a mistake to stop trying just because you THINK she MIGHT not be interested in you because of one certain thing.

    It's better to reach out to her and let her tell you whether or not she's interested than to just assume. Communication always trumps silence.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    a protestant never gives authority to the Pope, and the pope will not recognize the salvation of any others outside the church. go figure.

    Christians shouldn't marry m uslims either.

  • Gary B
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    There is a reason why God is AGAINST interfaith relationships.

    Stick to members of your own church

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    3 goddamn hours of church music, & you wonder why she wont call you ???

    Who the fcuk could stand 3 hours of church music & what the hell made you think this would be a good date idea ?

    Source(s): Your profile claims you just got married 2-3 weeks ago, DOUCHE_BAG ! Which fantasy are living today, VIRGIN ?
  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    3 hrs later she had a it could have been real...relax and call to see how she is doing.

  • 4 years ago

    Idk just talk to her about it that's the best way to find out anything you wanna know

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    is she hot?

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