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Sending someone a bill for not showing up to a wedding?

I got married last weekend! Yay Me!!! The wedding went well. We did a Harry Potter Theme in Vegas. We rented a room at Circus Circus. Everyone loved it! I dressed as, of course, Harry Potter!!!

I had a question for everyone on wedding etiquette. We invited 45 people and only 43 showed up. One couple was supposed to show but did not. They emailed ahead of time. Something about a sick child having hoof and mouth disease and not being able to attend. I am not sure since I didn’t read the entire email since it was MY DAY and couldn’t be bothered by them. The dinner buffet was really expensive, like $39 per person from what my wife’s Dad told me (he paid for the wedding).

My question is this. Since they didn’t show up, I sent them a bill for the dinner they didn’t eat. I asked them to pay me back for the $80 that my father in law had to pay. (I have my eye on a new Snape wand at Orlando that costs about $80)

They are now balking at this, saying they had a sick child and shouldn’t have to pay me for the missed meal. Can you believe that?!?! I think it is rude they didn’t show up. The guy told me “We sent $100 in cash as a wedding present, can you take it from that?” which I think is extremely rude since that was a gift to us, the happy couple. Why should I be forced to dip into the gift fund when they skipped out on dinner?

What is the best way to collect on deadbeat wedding guests?

67 Answers

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well I would balk at this too. We had a couple people not show up to our wedding that gave little to no explanation. That is just how things work sometimes. Life is not always fair. At least they let you know that they could not come. If their child was truly sick and they could not come I would be okay with that....if they are lying I would be aggravated but the fact they got you a wedding gift should make it not so bad. They didn't HAVE to get you a wedding gift at all. In fact just because you go to a wedding doesnt mean you have to get someone a gift. A gift is a good kind gesture and if it was 100 dollars that is pretty generous of a gift. They could have come to the wedding and not brought a gift....would you be upset at that then? Probably. The fact that you make a remark about the cost of a harry potter wand is your logic you should take that out of YOUR gift fund. Do not get upset because a couple people didn't show. Things happen. Good luck collecting on these dead beat wedding guests...they must not be too important to you because you are going to ruin friendships and make things awkward over nothing. Weddings are supposed to be expensive you should expect that.

  • Ariel
    Lv 6
    4 years ago

    Wow, this wedding sounds super fun! Circus Circus is always a great time! Here is my take on the proper etiquette in this situation; No, you sent them a bill because you want a toy?! Seriously, it is not worth it to start this drama, you have the $100, take the $80 difference out of it. You probably won't see the $80 in a check form and do you want your Bride to become upset over such a small amount of money. If it was $800 I would understand, but I say just give it up and be happy in your marriage.

  • 4 years ago

    Seriously can't see this as a real question, however, I will go along with you.

    I hope you enjoyed your friendship with the couple, as they are probably going to part ways with you. When you have a wedding, you don't charge anyone a fee to attend. The dinner is by your choice and the costs were paid by your father in law. So why would you even get the money in the first place? Be grateful that you have a gift from them and use that cash for your stupid little toy wand.

    If I was this couple, I would buy you the wand and show up on your doorstep to insert the wand up your *** .... you are selfish, greedy, narcissistic, self-centered, hoggish, stingy and narrow-minded.

  • 4 years ago

    Congratulations on the wedding, however i think that one day when you have kids you will come crawling to this couple thay didnt show up and beg for forgiveness. When you say hoof amd moith disease im sure its supposed to be hand foot and mouth disease, if someone had just said it to diagnose it then it may sound like hoof. It's very common in kids and is extremely painful and highly contagious, that kid would have been crying a lot and having a babysitter catch it would be worse than not going. I went to a wedding once where someone stayed for the ceremony then literally just left before the reception she told the couple that she just didnt feel like staying (it was because she wasnt seated at the table that she wanted), in a situation like thag i wish someone would have gone after her for the bill. Your situation just doesnt seem fair.

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  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    well i would balk at this too... we had a couple people not show up to our wedding that gave little to no explanation... that is just how things work sometimes... life is not always fair... at least they let you know that they could not come... if their child was truly sick and they could not come i would be okay with that............if they are lying i would be aggravated but the fact they got you a wedding gift should make it not so bad... they didn't have to get you a wedding gift at all... in fact just 'cause you go to a wedding doesnt mean you have to get someone a gift... a gift is a good kind gesture and if it was 100 dollars that is pretty generous of a gift... they could have come to the wedding and not brought a gift............would you be upset at that then? probably... the fact that you make a remark about the cost of a harry potter wand is your logic you should take that out of your gift fund... do not get upset 'cause a couple people didn't show... things happen... good luck collecting on these dead beat wedding guests.........they must not be too important to you 'cause you are going to ruin friendships and make things awkward over nothing... weddings are supposed to be expensive you should expect that...

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    This old chestnut...

    This has been asked so many times. Couldn't you check "existing resources" THE WAY YOU AGREED TO WHEN YOU REGISTERED?

    Sorry, I think your priorities are way out of whack. They probably didn't turn up because they realised how fascist you are. They didn't attend and they didn't get the food, so they owe you nothing. Not like you had a hotel reservation style formal agreement with them.

    If I were them I would feel shame that I had (past tense) any connection with you at all. Or, you can simply think "well, that was a cheap way to find out we don't have a friend there anymore". In either case.....

    Oh wait, this is almost word for word identical to the other times this has been 'asked' too. Shoo.

  • 4 years ago

    I would just take the $100 and give it a rest. A lot of people who don't show up at a wedding don't send a gift either. I know that s*cks but that's just the way it is sometimes. Be thankful more people didn't opt out.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    There goes that relationship...

    They don't have to pay you for anything since they were invited to YOUR DAY but not obligated to attend. The comment about YOUR DAY makes you come across as a selfish bridezilla who can't be bothered to not be completely full of themselves. Next time don't spend so much money on such frivolous things as a wedding, $80 Harry Potter wand (really?!) or so many trips to Disneyland. It's not a sound financial decision. With that attitude, I'd be willing to bet you'll be divorced in a couple of years anyway.

  • 4 years ago

    " My question is this. Since they didn’t show up, I sent them a bill for the dinner they didn’t eat. I asked them to pay me back for the $80 that my father in law had to pay. (I have my eye on a new Snape wand at Orlando that costs about $80) "

    WHY are you acting like, they OWED YOU? A bill, is a contract. Did, they signed a contract, that they will show up? And if not, YOU will send them a bill?

    That's RUDE. You're an adult now, yay, finally married, but THAT'S NOT A GROWN UP thing to do!

    You OWED to the venue, if YOUR GUESTS are a no show, that's not their job, it is YOUR JOB to pay. YOUR wedding. YOUR responsibilities. No one else!

    Source(s): I had once an event @ my house for 35 people, only 15 of my son's cousins are a new show. Would I have sent them a bill for all the leftover foods? No RSVP, nothing! Lesson learned here! Never invite those cousins again!
  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    What happened to the food? One of your guests had to have kept it and now has it in their freezer. Track them down. Send the $80 bill to them. If they argue, tell them you are going to call the cops about theft. Then compromise and try to get $40. Then, after you get it, go back to the no-show couple and tell them you only need $40 more from them because $100 that they gave you for a gift isn't enough. In all likely hood they will give you $40.

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