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Keep your "chins" up!?

So I have been dating this broad for about 4 months now. She is going through a tough time (something about her mother dying or something) and she came to me crying the other day. Which was really rude because I was right in the middle of playing Xbox but that isn’t the point of this story.

I tried to cheer her up but slipped up a bit. I told her “Keep your ‘chins’ up” accidentally. She is a bit overweight and does have multiple chins. She is furious with me now. I tried to point out that “Well, you do have more than one chin” to her. She is really mad at me. I am not really sure why since she has always told me to be honest with her.

What do you think?

1 Answer

  • 4 years ago

    Honesty is one thing. Intentionally pointing out her faults is another.

    1.) You call your girlfriend a "broad"?

    2.) If her mother died, you're very insensitive

    3.) Your girlfriend should be able to interrupt your Xbox game when she's upset and needing comfort without being "rude".

    I can't tell if your question is even based on reality or not. If so, you seriously need to work on being a better boyfriend.

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