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Why do atheists spend so much time on the Internet?

As many of us theists observed, atheists are always on forums 24/7 arguing with random theists they don't know. Clearly, this is proof that godlessness results in a less fulfilling life and that their only means of filling the void is through keyboard wars.

Now, I'd go on, but I'm on the last 50 MB of my cellular data plan because those atheists keep provoking me into participating in the flame war, which leads to me using all my data to respond to their posts and to post topics about them. Clearly, this wouldn't have happened to me if those basement dwellers would just get a life.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Its the 21st century, the average modern human spends a proportional time on the internet. Not all of use are interested in forums. But many spend time on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Twitch etc

    Sorry to hear your data is running low. I'm on the "All you can eat data" plan with Three Mobile.

    But the reality is, it takes two to tango. Nobody is putting a gun to your head forcing you to stay on Yahoo Answers. I haven't been here in moths actually. Been too busy working. You made the choice to respond to those atheists in question. It's not their fault you get triggered so easily. This really is the era of Trump.

  • 4 years ago

    Why do atheists spend so much time on the Internet?

    - We created it, why not?

    Clearly, this is proof that godlessness results in a less fulfilling life and that their only means of filling the void is through keyboard wars.

    - The only thing you have proven is that you are an idiot.

  • 4 years ago

    If you have observed it, then you are on this at least as often as we collectively are (but let me assure you, we do take turns; my current contract with an aerospace company takes 40 hours a week, plus and additional 12 hours+ just to get there and back -- it is unfortunately a somewhat long drive -- and I still try to sleep regular hours).

    That said, what is your excuse for being exposed to that much wisdom and still not have understood that god is a myth?

    Do we have to up the ante and have even more of us presenting facts, or are you unable to be educated?

  • 4 years ago

    for the same reason christians spend so much time on the internet arguing with them:

    each side is trying to convince the other that their side is right.

    atheists do it because they believe theists are trapped in a superstitious mindset that keeps them from realizing their human potential.

    christians do it because they believe atheists are going to hell, and they want to convert them before it's too late.

    (personally, i'm a christian, but i've gone back and forth with enough atheists to know how they think.)

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Because it is fun to watch theists cower in the face of what they think is real.

    Theists deal with persons and suppositions that are taken at face value, despite the fact

    that the origins and existence of those persons & suppositions, reside in nothing more than print.

    Neither theists, nor their numbers, provide any reason to think

    that the evidence-free conjecture that they so blindly and longingly accept, is worth a damn, or is at all correct.

    Theism is for cowards who fear the thought of being doubters … and after 2,000 years, still can’t prove a thing.


  • Atheists have better things to do. The trolls on here are spoilt teenagers who think that insulting religious believers punishes mummy for forcing them to go to church.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Lots more free time not wasted on sucking up to a made up invisible friend

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Only a busy body would care.

  • 4 years ago

    Maybe because we can afford unlimited data plans!

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    They have no life I guess.

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