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When Jesus himself didn't write the Bible,?

When Jesus himself didn't write the Bible, Isn't that possible that later the apostles' who wrote the Bible was wrote something else which wasn't the part of Jesus teachings? I couldn't understand one thing, if existing Bible is the word of God then how can a God be so repulsive mentioning about David, Solomon and many others that they were all indulged in incest/porno and God on the other hand didn't punish them?

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Its because Jesus never existed.

  • 4 years ago

    IF many do not believe in what the scribes have seen and written why would they believe if JESUS wrote about HIMSELF.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    porn ? hehe

    was there porn during those days ... go read your bible AGAIN.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    What Jesus taught was not a complete religion. It was taught in the context of Judaism and was adopted by all of Greek Gentiles, Greek Jews, and a few unhellinized Jews.

    Doctrine developed a sin people applied the sayings and acts of Jesus to their culture and times. Some radical proposals were practiced and then faded away. What we have today is authorized by the Church established by Jesus.

    There is no practical pure Christianity unmarked by Greek thought or history since the first century. Examine the Christians of Syria and Iran and Egypt to verify this.

    Any Christianity proposed free from history is imbued with the culture of the person proposing it and is false.

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  • 4 years ago

    All religious scripture was and is written by humans and is a reflection their own interpretations of reality via the political and social zeitgeist of the time.

  • 4 years ago

    Two thirds of the Bible had been written by a lot of different men a long time before Jesus was born. The last third of the Bible was written by Jesus' disciples from after His death and resurrection up to AD 95 at the latest. It covered the Christian era and gave prophecies for the future.

    The bits about Solomon and David's sins (and many sins of others) were all in the bit written long before Jesus became the virgin Mary's child. They were written as a warning. They provided examples of the grave dangers of lapsing into idolatry, or sexual immorality, or greed, or lying etc. The account also details the wickedness of pagan nations who attacked God's people, but when God's people kept disobeying God, He would then allow those pagan nations to capture them, as a punishment. The Old Testament is just full of the warnings of disobedience and God's punishment when His patience has been tried long enough. Nobody got off with sin in the Old Testament, yet God's forgiveness was always available to repentant sinners.

    When Jesus came into this world, it was to provide the only perfect sacrifice for our sins there has ever been/ He didn't need to write anything - He needed to die as the sinless "Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world". If you read the Old Testament for yourself, you will see God's judgment on unrepentant sinners all over the place! He is the same today - He judges unrepentant sinners, but those who repent can find forgiveness for He is merciful and gracious. The Bible teaches us lots of lessons about that.

  • 4 years ago

    AS TO HOW GOD HANDLED EACH CASE OF UNFAITHFULNESS , we need to keep in mind that Jehovah alone with Christ Jesus can read the human heart!

    NOTE PLEASE the warning by King David on the serious stages of serious sins:

    (Psalm 19:12, 13) “12 Who can discern mistakes? Pronounce me innocent from sins I am unaware of. 13 And hold your servant back from presumptuous acts; Do not let them dominate me. Then I will be complete, And innocent of blatant sins.”

    AS TO REAL PUNISHMENT please note on the matter with David:

    *** it-2 p. 471 Nathan ***

    Nathan was later sent by Jehovah to point out both the magnitude of David’s sin against Uriah the Hittite respecting Bath-sheba and the divine penalty imposed because of it. This he did tactfully but forcefully, using an illustration. David was thereby maneuvered into expressing, unwittingly and without personal prejudice, his own judgment on such an act. Nathan then informed him: “You yourself are the man!” and expressed Jehovah’s judgment upon David and his house.—2Sa 12:1-18; see also Ps 51:Sup.

    In time a second son, named Solomon, was born to David by Bath-sheba. This child Jehovah loved; so he sent his prophet Nathan, who, “for the sake of Jehovah,” named the boy Jedidiah, meaning “Beloved of Jah.” (2Sa 12:24, 25) During the closing days of David’s life when Adonijah attempted to seize the throne, Nathan took appropriate measures to bring the matter to David’s attention. Nathan then shared in the anointing and installing of Solomon as king.—1Ki 1:5-40.

    The whole nation were aware of David's murder of Uriah & adultery with Bathsheba! Each situation you mentioned , were dealt with severity! Jehovah God's forgiveness no matter how serious they were. These with accuracy!

    NOTE the power of Jah's judgements as applicable with all his dealings:

    (Isaiah 55:7, 8) “ 7 Let the wicked man leave his way And the evil man his thoughts; Let him return to Jehovah, who will have mercy on him, To our God, for he will forgive in a large way.  8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts  thoughts,And your ways are not my ways,” declares Jehovah" Note much more @

  • 4 years ago

    God didn't punish King David?

    2Sam 12:14 However, because by this deed you have given great occasion to Yahweh’s enemies to blaspheme, the child also who is born to you shall surely die.”

    Here's something else you are ignorant about. The truth is that in fact Jesus DID write the Bible, even the stuff before he was born.

    1Pet 1:20 knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of private interpretation. 1:21 For no prophecy ever came by the will of man: but holy men of God spoke, being moved by the Holy Spirit.

    The Father, Jesus and the HS are one and make up the one true God, thus in that respect Jesus indirectly wrote the Bible through the hand of man.

  • 4 years ago

    First Century carpenters and fisherman had no need to learn reading or writing. The only "writers" were the scribes of the Royal Court. The NT was politically motivated by The Roman Bishops, also part of the Royal Court. .

    The New Testament's Word-for-Word Jesus tales written hundreds of years after the supposed event should raise a red flag...

    It's simply Man-made bullshit.

  • G C
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    You forget the Holy Spirit which guided all the authors over the 1600 year period.

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