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Why is god right in every outcome?

Just a thought. I'm not closed minded or anything, I'd just like to hear a view from someone religious on how this works.

For example

If you are being held hostage by someone, and they have a gun to your head.

Outcome 1 - They kill you - God has has other plans for you

Outcome 2 - They don't kill you - God chose to save you

So why is he always right no matter what happens. Does he control every outcome? If he does, then would he not rid the world of nasty people? Or is him putting them on this earth his way of "teaching us" something?

Please answer this respectfully.

9 Answers

  • 4 years ago

    First of all god is fiction. Christianity tries to cover all the angles. All the answers are made up. Think. Christianity is a deep con game to fool you into being a good person. $hit will happen no matter what. Do your best. Be good and then say good bye to the world in the end.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Because he is the creator of all that is and has every right to do as he wishes. But he is also merciful and just and does not punish we every time we disobey him and sin.

    Look at it this way. If you were an all powerful and just god that created the universe and put mankind upon the face of the earth to live a certain way, then along comes one of your generals and disrupts everything causing everyone to ignore you and do as they please. What would you do to bring things back to the way you intended it to be?

  • Nous
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    So everyone that is murdered, raped beaten to a pulp has suffered because your god wanted it?

    Thank goodness Chrsitianity is shrinking so fast!

  • 4 years ago

    God doesnt control every outcome. We have freedom and that freedom includes the possible choice to do negative things that hurt us and hurt others. We find God when we decide to put this negativity aside and build a better world for everyone. In doing this we learn a lot about Gods love so yes, like you thought God has something to teach everyone who has a mind that is open to positive possibilities.

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  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    The NT says that a believer is LED by the HOLY SPIRIT of God.

    We are also taught that we must be 'born again'....from above.

    Then we are to 'die to self'.

    I call it the 'die now or die later' plan. Most as always want

    the 'die later' plan. But a believer DIES the old ways.

    However, as Paul said, 'I DIE DAILY' so the 'carnal nature' is

    strong, and can only die out at death. It reappears like


    So, can you see how complicated it can get at all?

    I notice this a lot....the black and white. It's not.

    It's those '50 shades' that happen.

    Another area so many miss (and I better not miss it) is

    satan and his accusing and negotiating. We sin, mess up,

    and satan can attack us. (just like in the book of Job).

    God is leading, always. But the old adage....the world,

    the flesh and the devil do interrupt this.

    I think this is why it all takes so long, thousands of years!

    IF I am in God's will, abiding in the Lord, then there is more

    light and I can say that God was leading.

    God IS ALWAYS leading but I may not always be leadable,

    and God isn't going to FORCE ME. Force is satan's way,

    not God's way.

    To think in black and white with God? You can't do it.

    It can be VERY GLIB to toss off 'it was God's will' that

    a baby died. A baby died due to hundreds of reasons.

    What we do know is that God will lead us THROUGH the

    difficulty. And this is more than just going through the


    Imagine going through a very tough time and

    absolutely having no qualms? Not so common, is it?

    Knowing God leads us removes the fear.

    So God is always right (because that is the nature of God, Creator),

    but my reception often lowers this or defracts it a little or a lot.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    If you wanted to go to Key West in Fla. It would not avail you to head for Denver Co. God's way is the best, the most direct and the easiest path to our destinies.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Outcome one – they kill you - God has other plans for you. Says who? God had nothing to do with whether they killed you.

    Outcome two – they don’t kill you. God save you. Says who? Could it be you are alive because the person didn’t kill you?

    Your conclusions are based on nebulous assertions. God does not control every single individual outcome. If somebody blows your brains out, it is because that somebody is a murderer. No God is not putting nasty people on earth to teach us. God is the great educator but he doesn’t educate with wickedness. Do you teach your children by beating them half to death and then starving them? Why then would anyone think God would educate his human children by such abusive wicked methods?

    EDIT: @King, you may have 'seen' time and time again because that's what a lot of folks say: "God had other plans." The fact of the matter is he doesn't have 'other plans.' God doesn't plan. He has a purpose and a will but neither interferes with our individual free will. God doesn't teach any such thing about plans for individuals and neither does the Bible. It's people who repeat that idiotic statement. As for beating kids, I agree, back in the day they were well-behaved when they got physical discipline. You will notice, however, that the phrase I used was "beating them HALF TO DEATH." I deliberately stated it that way to differentiate between acceptable corporal punishment and abuse.

  • G C
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Because He set the laws by which we are to be judged.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Its the way they are brainwashed.

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