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Lv 31,816 points

The King Of Kings

Favorite Answers13%

I am no one special, just a common man with common thoughts. I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me, and my name will soon be forgotten. But in one respect, I've succeeded as gloriously as anyone who ever lived. I've loved another with all my heart and soul, and for me, that has always been enough.

  • Repeating themselves in one sentence?

    Is there a word or phrase for people who repeat themselves over and over in one sentence but in different ways.

    I work with this lady and for example, if i say to her "are we able to get this apple". and if its a no, normal people say "no we cant" however, she will respond with....

    "no we cannot get the apples, we are completely out of those apple so they are not available so we cannot get those apples as we have non of those apples"

    she responds like this we everything, saying the same thing but in different ways in one sentence.

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay4 years ago
  • Which are the best trainers from these 3?

    I want comfort and i m just looking around.

    Adidas Ultra Boost ST

    Under Armour Speedform Apollo 2

    Skechers Synergy - Fine Tune

    Or can you recommend another pair. They re mainly for running on the path, but i ll be using them for some trail walks in local nature reserves too. So I need comfort as I m looking at distance more than anything.

    1 AnswerRunning4 years ago
  • Is society wrong? What do you think?

    I know this is a touchy subject, so i'll just dive in.

    A man hitting a woman. This is unacceptable and wrong.

    A woman hitting a man. This is fine.

    I've never hit a woman in my life, and I never EVER will. However, I do have to ask, is it ever acceptable to do so?

    Women slap men when they are being verbally abusive, or even just having an argument. Why can a man not do this too?

    It just strikes me as such an odd thing. I've always been taught by my parents never to even raise a hand to a woman.

    But i've seen it in films, and i've had it done to me where the woman will hit the man and its fine, you just have to accept it.

    I've also seen it where a woman can ever go at a man verbally over and over to the point where they know he will snap as any human would, and they keep going, and then once they snap and hit the woman, its all of a sudden the man who is in the wrong.

    So is there ever an acceptable moment to react? and why is it not acceptable for the man to do it. Why is it "omg you beat that girl!" yes if a woman does it to a man you never hear "omg you beat that man". why?

    6 AnswersGender Studies4 years ago
  • Would you leave your job?

    I work in an office, I love my job, however, it's an open plan office. This means I can hear everyone. I find it really hard to concentrate on my job when everyone is on the phones talking. Not only that but one person in particular always talks extremely loud, and their voice actually grates on me. When they laugh/cackle it makes my skin crawl like finger nails down a chalkboard.

    The rest of the team are extremely loud but not as annoying.

    Because of this I find myself on edge, anxious and slightly angry, whilst also feeling a bit depressed. As soon as I leave the place I am fine. I don't want to leave because I love my job, but being around that one person is soul destroying. What would you do?

    5 AnswersPsychology4 years ago
  • What is the best paint brand to use?

    I pretty much just use dulux. I want to paint my spare room, and I was wondering if there was any other brands that are better than dulux, maybe cheaper too?

    I saw "leyland" the other day, which is 9.99 for 2.5ltrs, where as dulux is £20 for 2ltrs.

    Anyone tried leyland or any other brands?

    6 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling4 years ago
  • Seeing each other, no relationship title?

    When you start out, you just "see" someone, basically dating. But how long is too long for this to drag on?

    Basically I have come to a point where I have been dating/seeing this girl for 4 months now. We only see eachother and spend 4 days a week with eachother. So in my eyes we are together. I mean, throw the "in a relationship" title on it, and it doesn't change a thing, but it would just feel better to have it there.

    However, she doesn't want to name it, and wants to just carry on how it is. She hates labelling things. I don't understand that. I mean, she's said to me that she is only seeing me and we are together she just doesnt want to label it. So whats that all about? I'm trying to figure this out. Like, if someone asks her if shes in a relationship she says "no im just seeing someone". Which means i have to do this also. But how long is too long and why does she not want to label it? We do everything that a couple does, so it just makes no sense.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Who created the world? GO!?

    God or Science.

    For me, proof is whats needed to believe. There is proof of science, there is no proof of god. HOWEVER, If I am wrong then I am happy to be wrong if there is proof.


    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 years ago
  • Why is god right in every outcome?

    Just a thought. I'm not closed minded or anything, I'd just like to hear a view from someone religious on how this works.

    For example

    If you are being held hostage by someone, and they have a gun to your head.

    Outcome 1 - They kill you - God has has other plans for you

    Outcome 2 - They don't kill you - God chose to save you

    So why is he always right no matter what happens. Does he control every outcome? If he does, then would he not rid the world of nasty people? Or is him putting them on this earth his way of "teaching us" something?

    Please answer this respectfully.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 years ago
  • Is god getting too much credit?

    I am not a religious man, and I will not put religion down, so before you answer, please do not call me closed minded. It's just a question. I would just like hearing another view.

    So how much thanks should we give god? Should we not give ourselves a pat on the back rather than giving god all the praise?

    A few examples.

    If I had an accident, and went into hospital and survived. I'd thank the doctors etc for saving me. Yet a religious person would thank god for keeping that person alive.

    If I got through a really tough time, I'd give myself a pat on the back and that i've been strong enough to get myself through it. Religious people would thank god for giving them the strength.

    I thank my parents for giving birth to me and putting me on this earth. Religious people thank god for putting them on this earth.

    So my question is, do religious people give god too much gratitude & praise that they should actually be giving themselves and others. Does it take away their self-worth by giving god all of the credit for everything.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 years ago
  • Youre the only guy that is truly nice to me & makes me feel special, lets make a go of it - said no girl ever?

    So why is this? why do women friend zone the nice guys that treat them well, then say "I just want to find a nice guy, inst there any out there left? i'm always going for the d1ckheads who treat me badly".

    Is there a scientific reason that women go for the bad guy?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Dry skin after quitting alcohol?

    So I decided this year, rather than to do what I did last year and go out every weekend, and maybe once in the week too, i would cut it down to once a month. Thus not cutting it out completely as I've heard the problems with cutting it out completely straight away and it's not good for you.

    So it's only been 12 days and thats fine, doesnt bother me not drinking, even thought I thought it would. However, i've noticed that my skin is drying out and I am getting dandruff, dry skin on the face etc. Any idea's how to counteract this? I've used moisturisers but it still dries out after a certain time. Is this caused by not drinking?

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions4 years ago
  • Best foods for an office worker?

    I need to start cutting down on the sh*t I eat at work. Start replacing the chocolate with something else, and the sandwiches with something else.

    Don t get me wrong, I m not a mega beast, I just have switched jobs and need to make sure I don t gain weight. I still go to the gym 3 times a week, but as this job is a desk job I need to make my eating habbits better so to not gain weight.

    What are the best forms proteins to put into a lunch? Also what about snacking in between?

    I don t want to go living on purely chicken, rice, and veg forever, so a suggestion of different meals or snacks would be nice.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness4 years ago
  • Present for a delivery driver?

    Idea's? need to get a gift, maybe a gadget or something? something useful for a delivery/courier driver.

    4 AnswersOther - Business & Finance4 years ago
  • Depression at work without reason?

    Over the past few months, as soon as I walk into the office I feel this massive black cloud come over me. I feel so depressed, so anxious, with no real explanation. I don't hate my job at all, and I don't dread coming into work. Yet, when I get here I just feel like I don't want to even exist anymore. It's so weird, like i said, i actually like my job. So i'm so confused by this feeling.

    1 AnswerMental Health4 years ago
  • Women like the bad guy?

    I've noticed that alot of women seem to stay with guys that treat them badly.

    I've also noticed that women with chase the guys that play games and mess them around.

    However, the guys that are open, honest, loyal, don't play games and treat women with respect. Those are the guys that get put in last place or friend zoned.

    Any reason for this? is this something women do without knowing? are women just attracted to the bad guy?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • HMS P311 - Submarine found?

    I was just reading an article about how divers have found the HMS P311. However they will not raise it.

    Im intrigued, it says "all 71 crew members are inside". Is this just a guess? no one has been inside or can see inside and it's still air tight, so is it just a presumption? Also, surely families would want the bodies back? would the bodies be preserved or just bones by now?

    6 AnswersMilitary5 years ago
  • Does your skin soak up smells?

    Whenever i chop an onion, my hands smell, i wash them and they still smell, i wash them further and still it remains. The following day i wake up and it still remains. This can sometimes last up to 3 days. Same goes with smoking, if i smoke i stink of it no matter how much i shower.

    I noticed that other people can do the same and it's not bad at all. Is it to do with different people.... different paws?

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care5 years ago
  • Do you think it's right that people treat their dogs like children?

    I mean the people who literally call their dogs their "babies" or "kids" etc, and believe in their heads that they are the equivalent to their own off spring. surely this isn't right. i mean, i love a pet as much as the next person, but believing that it's your child?

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture5 years ago
  • If you want to be treated equally then stop pointing it out?

    For so long i have wondered why so many gay people celebrate gay pride, or go on and on about how they are gay. Same with some coloured people, they have celebrate black history month and the "music of black origin awards". All of this whilst pointing out "we just want to be equal". The same with some women, constantly saying "as a woman...."

    I'm not against anyone, I love all races, sexualities, genders etc.

    However, put the shoe on the other foot, imagine we have a day to celebrate being white, or being a man, or being straight. Think of the up raw this would cause and would instantly be .lablled as "racist, sexist, homophobic" etc

    Surely if people want equality, then they should stop trying to show that they are different when they aren't. right?

  • Raise your children to speak the language of the country they are in? yes or no.?

    So I have come across many different foreigners who come to england and they have children here and then raise them to speak their language.

    Is this not wrong? surely you are socially crippling them and holding them back in school as they will go to an english school to learn, then come home and speak no english, making it twice as hard. Should it be made mandatory that if you are in an english country, you should speak english?

    5 AnswersLanguages5 years ago