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Lv 6
? asked in Science & MathematicsPhysics · 4 years ago

Is the big bang theory reasonable?

Suppose you had a box containing balls of different colors. You shake the box, thoroughly mixing the balls. Then you throw them out onto the ground all at once. Would you expect the balls to land grouped according to color—the blue balls together, the yellow likewise, and so on? Of course not! Uncontrolled actions always tend to result in less order, not more. That fact is accepted as a fundamental law of nature.

3 Answers

  • 4 years ago

    Science has convinced people that all the theories they have come up are "reasonable"

    , however facts are they are limited at best. And, anyone can say that ...this or that happened some 50 million years ago. You have to really examine all evidence.

    On the other hand, the Bible is way ahead of itself in many subjects. We do not need details to understand creation. See JW.Org for other informative info

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    I think Neb's being awfully hard on you, Jon. You haven't mentioned God, although I suspect he's implying your attempt to disprove the big bang theory is motivated by your belief in a higher power. He is correct about one thing though, and that is your ignorance. Please don't be offended. In point of fact we're all ignorant about the big bang theory because it defies the laws of physics as we now understand them. For instance, the expansion of the big bang occurred faster than the speed of light.....which is impossible. But of course it's not. It's just that we have no idea or concept that will explain such a phenomena.Which is to say we're ignorant. You do seem rather young. I say that because most intelligent young people are far more confident of what is right and wrong than older people. Theories in science change as we learn more, and there is much that we discover that defies explanation. Try understanding quantum physics or the 9 dimensions of string theory. One final piece of advice, Jon. Keep an open mind. Don't be over-confident that your "logic" contradicts scientific theory. Quantum physics is illogical, but the facts cannot be refuted by our logic. We tend to think we're so smart we can understand anything. We're far from it. In a few years the singularity will occur. After that event we will have computers which will design computers smarter than they are. Since that implies an exponential growth in the intelligence of computers, we will be relegated to the mentality of idiots (an old fashioned term connoting the understanding of a 3 year old.) You should be alive when that happens (in ~ 30 years or less). I'm sure you won't remember me, but perhaps by then you'll be able to smile at how confident you once were about your understanding of what we call reality.

  • neb
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Making an analogy between the increase is entropy from tossing a box of balls and the complexities of physics at and shortly after the Big Bang is ridiculous. Do you have any understanding whatsoever what the state of entropy was at the instant of the Big Bang and what the configuration of that entropy was? You do realize of course any argument you make against some natural creation of the universe applies exactly to God also? Try actually thinking for yourself rather than ASSUMING god must exist from your indoctrination, and then drawing all of your conclusions from that. We do not have a complete theory of physics that explains everything. But we are a long way from a necessity of introducing a magical being for which there is not a shred of evidence.

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