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If you could snap your finger and have 1 person of your choosing die, who would it be?

James Holmes. The movie theater massacre murderer dude. He killed lots of people and gets to live out the rest of his. Total BS. He needs to be dead. Now taxpayers get to pay for his food and housing the rest of his life.

4 Answers

  • No one, I am not into killing people. Those who kill people and get caught should be in prison for life. The longer they live the longer they remember and you never let them forget. Make their life a living hell.. . .

  • 4 years ago

    This reminds me of a common Sci-Fi story. A stranger appears and gives you a box with a button on it. "Push the button," he says, "And you'll get $1,000,000 in cash. And someone you don't even know will die."

    After days and weeks of agonizing, you eventually push the button. The next day the stranger returns and gives you $1,000,000 but also takes away the box. "What are you going to do with the box?" you ask. "I'm going to give it someone who doesn't even know you," he says.

    What goes around, comes around...

  • Dimple
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    some child molestor.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    I wouldn't.

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