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Speaking in tongues?

9 Answers

  • 4 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    There was a time when God gave his people the ability to speak in different languages so that they could preach to the foreign people at that time. However, that ability, of speaking in tongues, was done away with in the future generations. 1 Corinthians 13:8-10 "Love never fails. But if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away with; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there knowledge, it will be done away with. For we have partial knowledge and we prophesy partially, but when what is complete comes, what is partial will be done away with." The light is the brightest it has ever been, that is, we now understand the Scriptures more fully than ever before. The signs and symbols, for instance, in the Book of Revelation are clearly understood by Jehovah's Witnesses. The book of Daniel, though Daniel did not understand what he was writing about, we understand that Bible book today. I would like to invite you to the international website, and Bible Teachings > Bible Questions Answered. See also About Us > Activities, About Us > Conventions and About Us > Frequently Asked Questions. Watch videos such as Why Study the Bible? Does God have a Name? and What is God's Kingdom? Jehovah's Witnesses are now preaching and teaching the Bible in over 240 countries of over 500 languages to people of all sorts. Over 10 million people are currently studying the Bible. If you like what you learn, you too can request your FREE personal Bible study online. Thank you so much for this question.

  • G C
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Acts 2 shows that tongues were known earthly languages and the book of Acts shows they were only for that time to validate the word of God. Once the Bible was complete, no miracles including tongues were needed.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    GLOSSOLALIA: Speaking in tongues bears no resemblance to that described in the bible where everyone that heard understood clearly whilst the modern version is just psychobabble! It is also related to xenoglossy, which is speaking in a natural language that was previously unknown to the speaker after a brain injury! No surprise it was started in America by slaves from countries that practiced Voodoo!

  • Ralph
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    The fact of the matter, speaking in tongues is of Satan and sin, because as it is written in God word the Bible only, Revelation 22:18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, if any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: Revelation 22:19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

    Source(s): King James Holy Bible
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  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Yes, twice last Tuesday.....the milk was off.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Its fake.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Yes I did that with my fiancee once and she was quite shocked that many of the words I used were actually Arabic ones that she used to use in her prayers and which I had never heard or seen.

  • 4 years ago

    And how exactly does "Speaking in Tongues?" qualify as a question?

  • Mack
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Nope, that really isn't a question.

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