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Anyone else in the religion section sick of this question over and over?

Is it true the Romans sodomized Jesus on Good Friday, prior to making him carry his cross up the hill of Golgotha?

I have reported it many times. It started about 5 months ago and I stayed off YA for 3 months, came back and its still going on. Anyone have any ideas how we can stop this? Perhaps I should call Channel 41 action news or something? And you click on the avatar it doesn't show anything like a normal avatar. Do you think its an inside Yahoo job?

41 Answers

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, it is a disgrace that Yahoo allows this disgusting and depraved sort of question to be posted and especially when so many people are reporting it so often.

    Yahoo doesn't care what sort of sexually perverted and sickening material appears on the religion & spirituality section. Why, I even found one in the trending section asking about the size of men's penises!

    It seems to me that Yahoo is both unwilling and unable to police its own web site and doesn't care how often people flagrantly abuse the community guidelines. All they care about is making money out of the adverts, even though their adverts take absolutely forever to load up, making navigation impossible.

    What can we do about it? Keep on reporting those perverts.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    I think it is amusing, and the reactions of Christians are amusing as well.

  • Den B7
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    No. I love it because I get 2 points every time I give a stupid

  • 4 years ago

    The question, as obscene as it is, is clear evidence that Jesus is still being beaten, spat upon, and ridiculed for our sins, and the sins of all mankind.

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  • 4 years ago

    This sick question and its source is a good thing and a bad thing. I will tell you why I feel that way:

    It is bad because obviously there is a perverseness to one who constantly thinks this way. Even one who simply wishes to get a rise out of Christians is still perverse because the only way he can seem to reach his goal is to use something sexual. That leads to the good thing . . .

    Jesus, the master of Christians, said that his presence would parallel that of the days of Noah. What was the overarching characteristic of Noah’s days? Violence and its subgenre - sexual violence. Thus, even after God gave man a new start, there eventually arose the same obsession with sex, sexual things, and sexual activity. Now consider that in the light of Ephesians 4:17-19, where the inspired record references the nations which walk in the unprofitableness of their minds while they are in darkness mentally due to the insensibility of their hearts and because they have come to be past all moral sense, so that they work uncleanness of every sort with greediness. Add to that the spirit of the world spoken of in Ephesians 2:1,2 of which there is a demonic ruler. He is called the god of this world at 2 Corinthians 4:4. Do we get the sense of this?

    We should expect what Jesus said would be: a parallel of the attitudes and behavior that marked the last days of Noah’s world. There is a perverseness today that just makes one shake the head. This poster and those like him (or her) simply act out the very attitudes and conduct we should be expecting. That is the good thing because it shows that God knows exactly what he is talking about when he tells us the finale of a thing.

    Jesus said out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Matthew 12:34. What does that mean? Whatever we regularly talk about is a strong index of that on which we have set our heart. This person’s constant questions concerning the subject is what his heart is set on. I look upon it as a mere fulfillment of a prophecy.

    Hannah J Paul

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    I have always stated it is not God who sends people to hell but they choose it themselves. when he/she no longer writes on here guess where they will be. even God has said what you do not forgive will not be forgiven and God cannot forgive this blasphemy

  • 4 years ago

    This is a new trend and it is part of a deliberate ploy to upset Christians and to get this Religion site full of sex and not spirituality. The idea is to detract Christians from dealing with questions that could help spread better understanding of the Christian faith. And it's working!

    The only way to deal with questions like this is to totally ignore them. It's the same with all the questions posted again and again that mock Christianity. There is a core of users (often anonymous) who want to derail Christians, or at least upset them, and certainly to block up the flow of worthwhile questions on here. They want to turn this site into something so distasteful that Christians will go elsewhere.

    It's time this tactic was dealt with the only way that works - UTTERLY IGNORE SUCH QUESTIONS! Don't even report them because - as lots of people on here have discovered - reporting makes not one whit of difference. It's likely that none of the reporting even gets through. Don't ask questions about this, don't answer such questions, don't even report them. UTTERLY IGNORE THEM!

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Jesus was a poofter so he enjoyed the sodomy

  • BJ
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    It's someone with a perverted mind.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    I think if we all reported that asshat every single time, but otherwise ignored him, it would stop.

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