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If the U.S. is truly a 'Christian nation', why is a twice-divorced conboy the so-called president?

Think before answering, Dumptards who are also xians....

29 Answers

  • 4 years ago

    It's not a Christian nation.

    And as poor of an alternative as Trump was, he was the better alternative.

    I don't really care about a politicians marriages.

  • 4 years ago

    England used to be what they called a "Christian nation" but there really aren't any Christian nations now because that would imply that the Leaders of that nation lead only by Christian principles and prayer and that is simply not so in this day and age where all colours, and religions are mixed in together.

    If there were such a thing as a Christian nation, the Leaders would be dictators and would not permit anyone to worship Allah or Buddha but only the living God of the universe. A Christian nation would not permit the building of Muslim Temples or statues of Hindu gods which are dead and made of stone and cannot move or help anyone. These things are pagan and would not be tolerated by a Christian Government.

    Solomon was told by God not to permit other races and religions to build their high places in the hillsides, but he disobeyed and it was his downfall. He even married on of them and she deceived him because she was a traitor. But Solomon only had himself to blame after disobeying God Almighty. If we do it God's way we will not fail. If we do it our way it seems right to the man at the time but, it's always the way of destruction and death in the end.

    So let's pray for whoever God puts into office. We prayed for the right one to be appointed so we have to believe he/she was the right one when they came to office, whether it was Trump in America or Mrs May in Britain.

    In the Bible God even appointed wicked Leaders to accomplish His purposes.

    So stop name calling. We are all sinners at the end of the day. Give President Trump the opportunity to do some good in the land. It's better to have a change than more of the same thing which wasn't working for years surely

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    The Treaty of Tripoli said that the US government was not founded in any way upon Christianity, and George Washington, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson agreed with that. They did not allow God to be in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution or the first US money. England has a state church, and the Founding Fathers did not want that to occur in the USA.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    The US is referred to aa Christian nation because Christians make up the vocal minority, which overrules the quiet majority. Voters tend to follow the loudest voice, the candidates wgho gets the modest attention from the media. Until these time, Christianity dd these things. Now in these end times, the quiet minority' is raising its voice as Satan covertly encourages them. Non Christian's are becoming mor vocal, and Christians are being uonciously held back.

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  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    This is simple and proves you don't believe what you say: He has had a conversion.

  • 4 years ago

    Because it's Satan's world

    (John 12:31; John 14:30; 1 John 5:19; 2 Cor. 4:4; Matt. 4:8-10)

  • Otto
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    USA is not a "Christian nation". Satan is behind, he is the god of this world. - 2 corinthians 4:4.

    Source(s): Bible
  • 4 years ago

    There is no way that Trump is a Christian.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    You have no idea who God selects and why He selects that person as a leader. God referred to King Nebuchadnezzar as "my servant". Yet, Nebuchadnezzar was a pagan, at the time, and ruled ruthlessly, with terror, and brought destruction upon Jerusalem and the temple, killing tens of thousands of Jews. In that same way, the King of Medo-Persia, Cyrus the Great, was also God's servant, and the Lord called him out by name 100 years before he was born (Isaiah 44, 45). God calls and creates leaders and they are not necessarily "wholesome" and "righteous". The very nature of what constitutes God's criteria for leadership is given in Romans 13 in which the requirement to "execute wrath on wrong doers" is specified.

    So why did God select Obama? A man who pushed for and promoted every evil under the sun? Indeed, God can also call a person, who gives the appearance of being "good" - because of marriage fidelity - but is really corrupt and lawless. And Obama was likely selected by God because of the lawlessness and corruption of the people. It was a judgment of the Creator upon this country. Ask God if He thinks the United States is a "Christian nation".

    Fast forward to Trump, a divorcee. How did Trump get into office? Because God is in control. Despite that a sizable number of Americans seek to corrupt the country with its rampant abortions, sexual immorality, laziness, drug use, and thefts, the Christians were on their knees praying that God deliver the country from the wickedness that Hillary Clinton would heap on the country. Even many in Israel were also praying. So, God answered those prayers and Trump won.

    Time will tell what comes of this, but "law and order" is a primary goal of Trump's presidency and that conforms to God's demand and expectations. It may also be that Trump, as leader of the most powerful country on the planet, is here to "bring things to a head" in preparation for the end. The current brinksmanship in the Korean peninsula, versus Obama's feckless and limp-wristed methods, may be a foretaste of the future.

  • Deino
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    I don't think you understand the context of the statement.

    People who call this a Christian nation believe that the nation was founded largely on Christian principles, which means that, like it or not, the greater part of our success has been within the scope of largely Christian centric law and culture - even "secular" culture is motivated by Christian themes.

    The only way to refute this is to actually change the law or read the law in a fashion that, more and more, "separates church from state." But mone of that will change history, historic American culture or Christian foundations of the nation.

    Are we all Christians in America, especially now? Are our leaders definitively and necessarily Christian, following biblical codes? Is this nation a theocracy??? In 2017?

    ^ None of those things were EVER the case.

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