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A haunted laptop ?

A Windows 10 laptop. The icons in the desktop often change position on their own , sometimes spread out, sometimes just in a different order....any ideas why ?


The icons ON the desktop page.

Update 2:

The size of the icons doesn't change, just the positions.

Update 3:

I can't award best answer. Neither of you are correct. No one changed the resolution.

2 Answers

  • 4 years ago

    resolution changing

  • 4 years ago

    If you change the resolution, it does that.

    It tries to rearrange the icons so they fit in a lower resolution.

    It doesn't have to be you that changes the resolution though, it can be an application and the process can take a split second, but if that application does change the resolution, the operating system (windows) must act on it, and you end with these "scary" situations

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