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Lv 5

Atheist Evolutionists/ Christians- are they right when they claim the bible is not from God?

And the only reason is that the bible did not classify a bat as follows:

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Mammalia

Clade: Scrotifera

Order: Chiroptera




Why have people become this dumb, is it the diet?

7 Answers

  • 4 years ago

    You idiots that know absolutely nothing of the bible keep forcing a failed argument.

    When bats were classified, it was over 1000 years after the bible was written on behalf of king James.

    In those days anything that flew was foul animal. They were not even called birds.

    NO, God did not write the bible, Apostles and witnesses did with separate scrolls, later combined into 'the book'.

    Later, it was translated from Hebrew for the king James version. Later yet translated to modern linguistic, further obscuring its true meaning. gender activists have even done away with gender specifics, which means the modern bible is just junk, and fodder for atheists to argue points with like typical fools.

  • 4 years ago

    are they right when they claim the bible is not from God?

    - Yes, all of genesis was plagiarized from the Sumerian tablets, three different countries have proven that exodus is all made up and most of the rest is made up.

  • Archer
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Mankind has written many books which mankind has attributed divine inspiration to but ultimately they are the works of man.

  • Mack
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    The whole turning a lady into a pillar of salt needs to be fixed too.

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  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Nothing that far off base could have come from an "intelligent designer'.

    The bible refutes that claim. No god could have written that gibberish.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    That's not the only reason that's said. Your post is disingenuous. Furthermore, you cannot claim an omniscient god and then have "him" write that they are birds, when they are not. That means humans are smarter than their so-called creator.

    > You didn't say anything about "spirituality" in your original question, so again -- you are disingenuous. If you're referring to the classification of animals that we use, it's not in Hebrew. It's in Latin. You're the one who's bringing up classification. Bottom line is this: bats are not birds. The bible says they are. The bible is wrong. That means the Abrahamic god is not omniscient. If he was, and he wrote the bible, it would not say that bats are birds.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Ancient Hebrew only had 8500 words. A word could do triple duty: therefore context is king.

    Fossils were formed when minerals (silica, especially) penetrated the tissues of plants and animals - under extreme pressure - turning them to stone; the result of being buried in mud under miles of water for a year.

    Reptiles never stop growing as long as they live and the lifespan of some animals can be determined by the size of their fangs, horns, tusks or antlers. Trees and some grasses also never stop growing until they die.

    Fish float, rot, or get eaten when they die. They do NOT turn into fossils. But fish fossils are found at high altitudes all over the world.

    The only reason why fossils even exist is because of the world wide flood; 5000 years ago everything lived about ten times longer because the atmosphere was like a hyperbaric chamber. We know this from air samples extracted from fossilized sap. Science proves the Bible correct.

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