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Why are Republicans in the House and Senate having such trouble coming up with healthcare legislation?

Shouldn't they just vote on Trump's plan that will cover everyone?

Or was the Donald lying again?

9 Answers

  • Kini
    Lv 7
    4 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    They could just revoke the ACA but Mr Trump said he thinks both should happen at the same time but perhaps it wont be possible. They are working on a plan that all Senators will pass and then will go to conference about the House bill. What are you accusing Mr. Trump of lying about?

    Mr. Trump did not have a plan. The Republicans in the House and in the Senate have different plans but they cannot agree on every provision. How does that indicate Mr Trump was lying about something?

  • 4 years ago

    Trump promised something that congress had no intention of giving. Trump doesn't create policies and laws, that is the job of congress. He can Suggest. He can Push for certain things, but he has no real say except the use of the Veto if he doesn't like a law.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    some have been bought off. others want a better deal

  • justa
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Trump hasn't got a plan, he's got slogans. To say it's going to be the greatest plan ever, everyone will be covered for everything and it's going to be so cheap isn't the same thing as detailing how hes going to accomplish that. Republicans have been nattering about repealing the ACA since it was proposed. They fought it every step of the way and never implemented it in some states, and when they point blank said that it would be repealed insurance companies backed off the entire idea. They've already effectively killed it. Without a replacement.

    Healthcare in this country is a very complicated thing since it also needs the approval of the private insurance companies. They should have approached this as a tweak and not as an unwanted program, because its both wanted and needed.

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  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Trump had no plan, that was just another one of his many lies. Republicans do not want to cover everyone.


    Republicans have spent eight years fooling themselves about Obamacare. They have built a news bubble that relentlessly circulates exaggerated or made-up news of the law’s shortcomings and systematically ignores its successes. The smartest members of the conservative-wonk set played a more clever game to retain their influence. No serious conservative analyst could argue that Obamacare had actually made the health-care system worse. How could they, when the federal government is now spending less money on health care than it was projected to spend before Obamacare passed, medical inflation is at the lowest level since the government began recording it 50 years ago, and 20 million more Americans have insurance? But admitting Obamacare constituted an improvement in the health-care system, even an imperfect one, would be tantamount to expulsion from the conservative movement, and with it any hope of influencing Republican policy. The closest they might come is pleading that repealing Obamacare was “not enough,” that they must also replace it with something better. This formulation allowed them to neatly sidestep the question of whether repeal alone would make the system better or worse.

    So instead of comparing Obamacare to what it replaced, they compared it to the plan Republicans would have passed, if only they had the chance. The existence of the mythical Republican health-care plan was the foundation for every serious critique of the law. And now that that plan has finally appeared, virtually the entire conservative intelligentsia has been forced to admit it is worse than Obamacare. The single data point that conservatives have repeated with the most relentless frequency is that Obamacare is unpopular. It is true that, for most of its life, the law has polled in the 40s. Republicans deemed all disapproval of Obamacare to be approval for their stance, never acknowledging that much of this disapproval came from those who wanted the law to do more, not less. Now that there is a Republican alternative, it is polling at an astonishing 17 percent. Comically, repeal efforts have pulled Obamacare’s polling above water. The slim reed of public opinion upon which they built their manic repeal crusade snapped immediately under the weight of political implementation.

    Other than cutting healthcare and allowing insurance companies to again write policies that don't cover anything if you need care. The republican plan would transfer federal funding from helping low- and middle-income Americans get health care to tax breaks for high-income Americans and health care special interests.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Moderate Republicans represent districts or states that have many Democratic voters and others who don't like the idea of slashing Medicaid and other assistance programs for low-income adults and children. Unlike hard-right Republicans, the moderates can't campaign on strict fiscal conservatism without regard for public assistance programs. States like Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin, which voted for Trump, have large populations of Trump Democrats and union members and retirees who expect Medicare, Medicaid and other government programs as a matter of course. Whereas states like Texas and Alabama, at least among well-off and small-town whites, resent government programs as only for blacks, Mexicans and Northern city people.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    There are taxation, Medicaid expansion, reconciliation vs. traditional legislation, and many, many other considerations.

  • 4 years ago

    Too many have bought into the leftist lies.....they have forgotten their values, they have forgotten that they need to get the government out of medicine and let competition and interstate commerce decrease prices and increase quality.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Trump is all plan and no action.

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