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Lv 6
? asked in HealthDiseases & ConditionsDiabetes · 4 years ago

Husband has diabetes, hbp, gout and high chlorestral April 2017 the doctor added 81 mg aspirin and he's not taking it what now?

3 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm guessing its not just the aspirin that has you concerned--but that your husband isn't doing much to help himself--diet or exercise wise? You are not in charge of his eating habits--you can prepare the healthiest foods and encourage him to go for walks and exercise--but HE is the last word...and he is ultimately responsible for HIMSELF. Me, I would cook healthy food--I would exercise--I would never bring crap into the house. other than that you can't do anything-he can drive himself to all kinds of take out and he can go to the store and buy all kinds of garbage. You just have to understand that he is heading toward a stroke or heart attack--and be prepared to take care of yourself. seriously--I know that sounds harsh---but it is like living with an addict who doesn't want to get sober---you know it isn't going to end well.

  • 4 years ago

    Basically his arteries are not wide enough for blood to get through and can cause blood clots leading to stroke or heart attack - the aspirin is to thin the blood to let it through arteries easier - my partner is not far behind your husband, Good Luck

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    It just means his RISK (not a factual result) of a blood clot, stroke, or heart attack is higher than normal ... but those are not necessarily scary numbers. SAY like a normal person's chances would be 2/1000 his might be 4/1000. [idk if my numbers are valid, but just an example.]

    Source(s): I parallel the description of your husband.
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