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atheists are wrong?

-the earth is 6000 years old.

-evolution is wrong, second law of thermodynamic disproves it

-creationism is a logical explanation about the origin.

-if there is no god. where you get your morality.

-the universe is too complex, thus there must be a god

-our ancestors were not monkeys.

-where you end up when you die?

-i saw a cloud in a form of an angel

-the history told in my religion is factual.

-you atheists are meanies.

-you have to be converted to understand my religion


10 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Your idiocy is undeserving of a serious response.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    The earth is many millions of years old.

    Evolution is true .. and no it doesn't .. try actually reading it for yourself.

    Evolution explains our origins .. and the origin of everything.

    I get my morality from knowing what is right and wrong .. not from fearing Hell.

    So .. it's complex .. still doesn't prove God.

    Yes !! ''We did not evolve from Monkeys'' .. at least you understand that bit about evolution.

    When you die you don't exist anymore .. same as before you were born.

    I can see a cloud shaped like a teddy bear !!

    The bible is not a history book.

    No we are not .. but I knew as a religious person that you'd resort to abuse before the end of your rant

    Don't you mean brainwashed ?

    Thanks anyway !!

  • Marduk
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Why do I need to be terrorized to be moral. You need the threat of Hell to be moral and still are Nazis. Your ancestors are not even close to monkeys, monkeys are smarter than you. I wind up DEAD. I saw a cloud in the form of a cloud, called science.

  • Ralph
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    The fact of the matter, the earth is more than 6000 years old, the flood of Noah's day was 7000 years ago. The earth is exactly from creation, from when God created the heaven and the earth 13,00029 years ago, the date 11013 B.C. when God created the heaven and the earth.

    Source(s): King James Holy Bible
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  • Otto
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Atheists and all false religions are wrong !

    Source(s): Bible &
  • 4 years ago

    Wow! You have really convinced me with your baseless assertions that are contrary to all the evidence.

  • The theory that creation happened 6,000 years ago (well 6021 actually, do try to keep up) was promulgated by James Ussher, a 17th century Church of Ireland Archbishop of Armagh. What puzzles me is why the nutty wing of Calvinism has latched onto this when you don't take any notice of anything else archbishops have to say.

    Christianity is the religion based upon the life and teaching of Jesus Christ. He never mentioned whether or not the creation account in Chapter 1 of Genesis was the literal truth. If it was important for salvation, he would have done. Creationist Calvinism prefers Hebrew folklore to anything Jesus said or did. Christianity it ain't.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    and so are christians

    1. Traditional Christianity teaches the Trinity

    Bible teaches that there is One God, and One Lord Jesus christ, and One mediator between God and Mankind, the man Christ Jesus. and that Christ and his Father are One in Unity, Purpose, Agreement. (not One as in the same person)

    2. Traditional Christianity teaches the Undying/Immortal Soul

    Bible teaches that the soul dies, ceases to exist, and that the dead know nothing at all

    3. Traditional Christianity teaches that the soul is separate from your body

    Bible teaches that you are your soul

    4. Traditional Christianity teaches that your “spirit” lives on after you die

    Bible teaches that your spirit is nothing more than the breath of Life God gave you

    5. Traditional Christianity teaches that the first day of the week (now known as Sunday) is the Lord's day

    Bible teaches that the 7th day of the week (now known as Saturday) is the Lord's day.

    6. Traditional Christianity teaches that the unsaved burn in hell forever

    Bible teaches that the unsaved are permanently annihilated at the final battle of armageddon

    7. Traditional Christianity teaches that christ was crucified on Good-friday and was resurrected on Easter Sunday

    Bible teaches that Christ was crucified on the Passover (Wednesday of that year) and was resurrected in the evening of the weekly Sabbath (7th day of the week)

    8. Traditional Christianity celebrates pagan holidays like christmas and easter

    Bible teaches not to learn the way of the heathen

    9. Traditional Christianity teaches that God loves everyone

    Bible teaches that God hates all workers of iniquity

    10. Traditional Christianity uses idols in worship service (crosses and christmas trees etc.)

    Bible teaches to flee from idolatry.

    11. Traditional Christianity teaches that Christ was born on December 25th

    Bible teaches that Christ was born during Sukkot (festival of tents) late september, early October of that year.

    12. Traditional Christianity teaches that you’ll live forever in heaven

    Bible teaches that God will recreate the earth- no more sin death and sorrow.

    13. Traditional Christianity teaches rewards and punishments at death

    Bible teaches rewards and punishments at the day of resurrection, judgment.

    14. How do i know all of this? Because i took what traditional christianity teaches and compared it to the bible, as the book says “study and search the scriptures daily so you don't become deviced with fables from misguided men” doctrines that can lead people into spiritual darkness. So that's what i did during my teen years, and early 20’s. (with everything i said, i can back myself with scripture, Traditional christianity only parrots what their pastors teach.)

    15. Traditional Christanity teaches Once saved always saved, and disobedient/lawless grace, You can do as you please and you'll still get eternal life, all you have to do is believe.

    Bible teaches that you must repent of your sins, obey G-d's commandments, endure till the end, and have the faith and testimony of Christ.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    4 years ago

    No they're not.

  • 4 years ago

    There's more than just atheists and Christians.....

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