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  • Humanity will not last long?

    Humanity is doomed.

    Climate change, millions of tonnes of waste not properly disposed that impacts badly the environments, great pacific waste patch, water,land, air pollution, destruction of environmental habitat, animal extinctions.

    The worse thing is that we do very little about it. One of the big cause of the acceleration of climate change and water pollution is livestock farming.

    Not only most of the livestock animals live under terrible welfare conditions along with the genes artificially modified and who don't even see the not even once the sunlight.We won't change our diet over this because we value so much the taste pleasure of meats. We delude ourselves into thinking that solar panels, wind power will solve air pollution, climate change while ignoring livestock farming which is the big elephant in the room.

    People don't make the little effort to sort out their waste for recycling. Billions of dollars are invested to research ways on developing weapons, smartphones, cars, planes but very little in developing environmental solutions.People somehow think that technological utopianism will solve everything instead of taking their responsibilities. People still think somehow that civilisation will get better and they last long, bunch of morons

    you know what? it's ok. mother eath willl somehow survive through all the human acitivities. as george calin stated: "The Planet is Fine.The People are [F]ucked"

    16 AnswersAnthropology4 years ago
  • How to recover from bad and embarrassing experience?

    I had plenty of them:

    -I touched a girl's butt from a group of girls ACCIDENTLY in a club. It was so arkward and embarassing that I could not excuse her.

    -I gave a uni presentation. I was so stressed and self-conscious that I thought I heard mockery(they were laughing on themselves) that I faced one of the guy that laughed and threatened and insulted him in front of a professor.

    -recently, I tried to socialise with new people with a friend, he gave me a compliment but I was too self-conscious and stressed out that I thought he insulted me and so I slapped him and insulted him.

    -A long time ago, for some reasons, I almost get into a fight against a female classmate while in course.

    - I always somehow made presentation in front of people cringey.

    - I made somehow fooled of myself when i socialized with people.

    I am too introverted to soocialise with people and also have so many bad experience. at the same time i am at uni, there is a pressure of socializing with people. my first year was boring and embarrassing and did not make friends.I am in the second year, i fear to miss out my uni life. I don't know what to do.

    1 AnswerFriends4 years ago
  • why there is a double standard in creating nuclear bomb?

    when usa makes and tests nuclear bomb. it's ok.

    when europeans countries make and tests nuclear bomb, it's ok.

    but when it is russia, middle-east countries or north korea make and test their nuclear bombs. it's not ok.

    8 AnswersPolitics4 years ago
  • Is marriage great?

    apart from sexual intercourse, what is the benefit of marrying?

    all i see are drawbacks: waste of money and time on paying attention to your partner.

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce4 years ago
  • One thing christians are better than atheists?

    When I go to christian service, bible study or christian theology talk, they almost always offer free foods. They give juice, biscuits, chicken, pizza, etc... for free!

    Even one time, a christian invite me for dinner to a chic restaurant and pay me the food quite expensive.

    Meanwhile there will be an atheist discussion evening of Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins and a third guy next month in London. However you have to pay to assist to the event, it costs about minimum £63 or $81 for just one evening!!

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 years ago
  • What is the name of the song?

    -single female voice

    -beginning of the song, it starts with a flute playing

    -not a recent song but not too old

    -lyrics:"hear me out"?, "you and i"

    -I think the song talks about her boyfriend/husband

    -I heard it from mcdonald uk a year ago

    -it doesn t sound to be a pop music.

    3 AnswersLyrics4 years ago
  • Do you know an unbiased video-game review?

    non-corrupted, unbiased, honest,excellent critics game review

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games4 years ago
  • Does Disney hide subliminal messages in their cartoons?

    Characters in the movie do horn hand signs multiple sign sometimes they are very oblivious. There are subliminal hidden "se_x" words in the cartoons. In some coartoons, there are hidden masquerade sexual genital depiction especially in the lion king movie.

    2 AnswersMovies4 years ago
  • Is life about aiming to the highest hierarchical statue and surviving?

    Animals fight, even within their own specie for food, sexual partner, social statue and territory. They do theses for survival instincts. Although the individual will eventually die, the fact it passes on its genes to generation after generation give a sense of immortality.

    Likewise are we not human species doing the same? We compete or kill for food or goods, sexual partner, social or economical statues or territories. We don't like admit we are wrong on what we believe because that make you realize uncomfortably and question your statue. Throughout human civilization, numerous lower positions are directed by few higher positions. Education is not about being educated, getting knowledge but to classify people from low to high positions in different area. Not everyone can go study to Harvard University, only a few among the many are chosen.

    9 AnswersPhilosophy4 years ago
  • do you think that fat shaming can be used for good?

    Let me explain: when a group shames or shun a person appearing overweight, obese , they are telling that they do not tolerate this type of appearance within their social construct. The treatment may be harsh and heartless, however shaming can discourage the person to remain fat and encourage for a change thus perhaps leading toward a healthy lifestyle.If the person changes, then he may gain respect and acceptance and even gain further benefits from it such as sexual attraction.

    It seems that conformity is perceived to be too underrated and shaming to be bad. I think also most of people prefer to believe that morality is subjective. However as a society, even the whole world should know that certain actions should be obviously categorized to be wrong such as killing someone for valid reasons or commit pedophilia.We conform to believe that certain actions go against human laws and shaming can help preserve order and counter chaos .

    11 AnswersGender Studies4 years ago
  • atheists are wrong?

    -the earth is 6000 years old.

    -evolution is wrong, second law of thermodynamic disproves it

    -creationism is a logical explanation about the origin.

    -if there is no god. where you get your morality.

    -the universe is too complex, thus there must be a god

    -our ancestors were not monkeys.

    -where you end up when you die?

    -i saw a cloud in a form of an angel

    -the history told in my religion is factual.

    -you atheists are meanies.

    -you have to be converted to understand my religion


    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 years ago
  • do you know what is occult?

    if so, explain openly what it is.

    7 AnswersOther - Alternative4 years ago
  • why USA doesn't invade North Korea?

    Like it did to the middle-east, afghanistan and irak. Why it doesn't impose its american freedom to this country. doesn't north korea have oil?

    11 AnswersCurrent Events4 years ago
  • is North Korea an atheist country?

    is it atheists'wet dream of being a citizen of a country where religious books are banned, religious people even family members sent to concentration camps to be tortured to death.

    1 AnswerKorea4 years ago