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Hello, I just purchased a 2008 yz450f, I was looking through the owners manual and it says to run 95 octane? What is everyone else running?

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    This video below should help but it wants you to run that as it runs very hot

  • 4 years ago

    Have an 06 YZ 450F- run 92 or 93 octane in the USA, works just fine.

    Source(s): Riding/racing for 55 yrs.
  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    92 octane, or higher. Lower octane fuels are less stable and are too easily ignited in high compression, high rpm engines.This can cause early or uneven ignition of the air/fuel mixture, causing knocking that can damage the engine. If you are unhappy about having to use a more expensive grade of gasoline you should have done your research BEFORE you bought it. Fail.

  • 4 years ago

    Octane depends where in the world you are and the method used for determining the octane rating. Generally in the U.S. 93 is the highest available. Of course you can always use an octane booster, or go to your nearest airport and buy 100 octane low-lead, WHICH HAS LEAD IN IT AND WILL DESTROY YOUR CATALYTIC CONVERTOR. All you need is no pinging.

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  • WRG
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    You should use what the manual says.

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