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Do you think we'll ever be able to stop the obesity epidemic or is it a lost cause because people don't care enough about themselves?

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Tell Donald to bring back the Mexican's so they can pick fruit

    and vegetables to sale in store. that will be a win win.

    because no one wants to pay very much to pick thier trees,

    Good for us good for you good for me.

    Then Trump can cut his 1000 lbs to 500 lbs in no time.

  • 4 years ago

    Hope springs eternal! Mindfulness re:physical exercise is very much trending still...if you are aware of this,I think it would be well if,in any way you can,spread the word re:weight control and it's added gain in health and well-being.Pack in more energy than more fat and diseases!!! We only have to shout louder so that others can hear and hopefully,listen!Sometimes,miracles do happen and people do change their perception and attitude,well,just because they really have to.So,in response,yes,we will be able to stop the obesity pandemic but it will take a long period of time,but it will'll see.

  • 4 years ago

    It would take food companies to take out the sugar, carbs, and processed junk. People are also very uninformed on how to properly diet and often fail. Also healthy foods are much more expensive then bad processed junk.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    not in my lifetime.

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  • 4 years ago

    If Trump can keep the Mexicans out of the country there will be fewer people here to harvest crops which will make food prices go up. At that point there will be less obesity. Two problems solved. It's a win win all around.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    People are larger than normal -- not obese -- because of 1) the physical and emotional demands of modern life, 2) the contamination of the water and food supplies of chemical substances that decrease and block the body's metabolism pathways, 3) sneaky food tricks by the food processing industry to increase people's chemical dependence on certain un-nutritional "foods", and 4) social pressure to view them as "large" people. In the 1950s, people who were considered healthy looking are considered larger than normal now. Some of that is due to changing dietary habits, but some of it is also cultural.

    But obesity itself is a different problem. People are Obese because of a combination of psychological and chemical imbalances that either don't allow them to lose weight as quickly as other people. Doctors in general are hesitant to ascribe real medical conditions to people who claimed to have symptoms of what used to be called chronic fatigue syndrome. The general consensus was that these people were just lazy and needed psychiatric help. We now know this isn't true. There's something about modern life that causes the body to sometimes overreact to viral and bacterial infections to such a degree that they start attacking the body's normal tissues as body temperature goes up, something that normally happens with exercise. And not everyone can afford a swimming pool. No one knows what the trigger is, but at least they know it's a real condition now and not just inherent laziness.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    It is expensive to feed a family on products that are healthy, it is a hell of a lot cheaper to stop thier crying from hunger by buying the man made processed crap, essentially filling their bellies and starving them at the same time.

  • 4 years ago

    I mean, ''every body is beautiful" phrase is rising, i don't think it is stopping anytime soon.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    We're collectively going to be obese as long as food companies keep loading up our food with sugars and carbs. Something as simple as bread is now loaded with sugar.

    Even vegetables have been bio-engineered to taste sweeter while they've lost nutritional value.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Depends. If we had a balance of metabolism with less of the junky stuff, things might pan out.

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