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Lv 4
? asked in Society & CultureHolidaysRamadan · 4 years ago

Muslims, why does Allah want humans to worship him?

Why would an all knowing, all powerful and all present being, spanning across billions of galaxies, care whether or not you "worship" him 5 times a day?

Why does he even need people to worship him?

12 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Man created god...god did not create man.

    So It´s more a case of humans needing to worship god, for various different reasons...including those who want to use religion as a form of control.

    Our dear friend Accepting Reality for example needs religion to justify his hate for the there are many different reasons why people do religion.

    A god that creates in order to be worshipped is a pretty creepy concept in my opinion...thankfully it´s all make believe.

  • 4 years ago

    Allah swt does need us to worship him my friend he created the universe and everything in it, we are so irrelevant when it comes to the universe and Allah swt is much much much greater than that only HE knows how GREAT.

    So he doesn't need us and in this test we need him and that's why we worship him to help us through this life and reach paradise(djannah), because this life is nothing but a test.

  • Mintee
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    He doesnt need our worship.. WE need to worship him for our own benefits..

  • 영진
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    What about Yahweh, Jesus Christ, and trillions of Dharmic god(dess)?

    (Honestly I hate it, when you guys, just targeting your questions to the Muslims)

    NO, IN ISLAM God doesn't need anything of his own creation... God created us from absolute nothing to give us a chance to become good enough (purified enough) to get close to Him and to stay close to Him in His heaven.

    "If you should disbelieve, you and whoever is on the earth entirely - indeed, Allah is Free of need and Praiseworthy." 14 8

    "O mankind, the truth has come to you from your Lord, so whoever is guided is only guided for [the benefit of] his soul, and whoever goes astray only goes astray [in violation] against it. And I am not over you a manager." 10 108

    "whoever turns away (apostates) - then indeed, Allah is the Free of need, the Praiseworthy." 57 24

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  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Allah does not need us, We are the one who need Allah.

    By showing our gratefulness to Allah he will put us in heaven Inshallah

  • 4 years ago

    Since Allah permits satan to snare and deceive mankind to hell with him ,because he ask Allah in allowing him to be enmity to all mankind ,the children of Adam and Eve ,out off his jealousy and arrogance, by postponing his punishment till the end of the world ,Allah permits him but in one condition that he would not have power, what so ever, in doing any harms to those who believe in Allah and practice as according to His Commandments ,all their lives eg; praying 5 times a day .Then Allah promise to reward those who believe in HIM ,as such, to become paradise dwellers to dwell therein eternally.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Allah wants humans to worship Him for testing our obedience and for cleaning our daily minor sins so we need to worship Allah

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    you are right an all powerful god doesn't have needs supposedly its "a test" he wants peoples loyalty tested which is pretty stupid considering he could have people that were born loyal that don't need to be tested all without affecting free will the excuse muslims use the most from what I see. Another excuse is that its to earn heaven which is also stupid 'cuz you can't earn infinite goods with finite good deeds and he has no reason not to give it away for free he's all powerful and doesn't have needs why hog heaven?

    Pretty stupid god wastes time creating sick tests that cause suffering to innocents, plans for people to fail then complains when they do when he planned it in the first place doesn't make sense. A supposed good god that could clearly provide better purposes for humans but doesn't for his own selfish useless desires. They way religion describes god is illogical and makes him look like an azz-hole. God makes a test with cruel consequences, plans for students to fail then complains when they do but claims to be kind wouldn't a god that was actually kind want his students to all pass? Clearly god doesn't which is why some fail because god wants them to god wants people to go to hell so he can torture them pretty gross


    one user described with a doctor and medicine analogy but that doesn't work considering the doctor in this case causes the sickness in the first place and could cure the ailment without medication or just not create the illness in the first place terrible why create a disease that doesn't need to exist in the first place? Like the idea of a test its a waste of time

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Allah subhana wa ta'ala wants you to worship him of your own freewill in order to prove yourself and earn his paradise, it is for your own benefit. Allah does not derive any benefit from the billions of Muslims that have existed.

    It is like a cure for sin since it wipes away all minor sins between each salat. The question you asked could be correlated to asking why a doctor wants a patient to take his medication.

    Try and look at these things with an open mind and not a narrow one.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Islam is all about obedience. Failure to obey means death.

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