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Lv 7
J asked in Science & MathematicsMathematics · 4 years ago

A circle is tangent to both lines 3x-4y+4=0 and 6x-8y-12=0 and to the x-axis. What is its area and the coordinates of its center?

If there is more than one such circle, find all areas and centers.

3 Answers

  • 4 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The distance from 3x-4y+4=0 and 6x-8y-12=0 (which is just 3x-4y-6=0) is |-6-4|/√(3²+(-4)²) which is 2, so the radius is 1 and the area is π.

    The centres will be at the intersection of the midline (3x-4y-1=0) and y=1, and the intersection of the midline and y=-1. These centres are (5/3,1) and (-1,-1) respectively.


  • DWRead
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    tangent 1: y = ¾x+1

    tangent 2: y = ¾x-1.5

    The tangent lines are parallel and 2 units apart, so the radius of the circle is 1 and the area of the circle is π units².

    Center of circle lies on the line parallel and equidistant to the tangents:

    y = ¾x-0.25

    Since the circle is tangent to the x-axis, the center lies on y=1 or y=-1.

    If the center is on y=1 then

    ¾x-0.25 = 1

    x = 5/3

    center (5/3,1)

    equation of circle:

    (x-5/3)² + (y-1)² = 1

    if the center is on y=-1 then

    ¾x-0.25 = -1

    x = -1

    center (-1,-1)

    equation of circle:

    (x+1)² + (y+1)² = 1

  • Pope
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Two of the lines are parallel, so there are two congruent circles satisfying the conditions.

    The two parallel lines:

    3x - 4y + 4 = 0

    3x - 4y - 6 = 0 ... This one has been simplified.

    distance between the lines

    = |4 - (-6)| / √(3² + 4²)

    = 2

    That is the diameter of the circle. Its radius is 1, and its area is π.

    A third parallel line, equidistant from these two must include the center. Simply use the mean of the other two constant terms.

    3x - 4y - 1 = 0

    These are the two lines parallel to the x-axis and one unit from it:

    y = -1

    y = 1

    The coordinates of the two centers are the solutions to these two systems:

    3x - 4y - 1 = 0

    y = -1

    3x - 4(-1) - 1 = 0

    x = -1

    (-1, -1)

    3x - 4y - 1 = 0

    y = 1

    3x - 4(1) - 1 = 0

    x = 5/3

    (5/3, 1)

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