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Christians: Why don't you believe in any of the other 'gods' in other religions?

Did you just pick the Christian one because you were told he was the right one or did you use some kind of faulty logic to ascertain that you were correct? Do you even care if you're correct?

17 Answers

  • 4 years ago

    I spent a few years on this subject and atheism. It is not that I don't believe other deities exist, it is just that I found nothing in any other religion which works like the teachings of Jesus.

    "The prince of this world now stands condemned ....."

    The Bible is God's argument that his ways work and no other way will work. In order to prove his solution was the only real solution all other solutions had to be eliminated. The last argument to be eliminated for the opposing side was that being human is not a valid excuse.

    Unfortunately the oppositions arguments and actions are not clearly stated in the Bible. However what arguments they could have been or are I find often stated by atheists.

    It was when I realized the Bible was a legal argument about the status of man that several things fell into place in actually understanding what was going on.

    I have a life time of study devoted to the issue of religion and just who deserves the title "Lord of Lords'. That title alone suggests that some of the other deity worshipped now and or in the past are real eternal beings. My study also suggests that some of those things others all gods are not actually gods. Some are fallen angels and others inventions of clever minds.

    I don't need to separate out which is which because I know who won the debate as well as the war.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Those who are TRUE Christians, not just claiming to be, have developed faith - not credulity. And this faith is, as the Scriptures bring out, based on solid, convincing evidence - an evident demonstration of realities, even though, not seen - Hebrews 11:1 - Faith is the assured expectation of what is hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities that are not seen. - - - - People believe in electricity even though they can't see it. How did people come to believe in electricity? They began to study it's effects. What it does, even though it cannot be seen. And they were finally absolutely convinced that it exists. Likewise with faith and knowledge of God. It takes study and meditation on the Scriptures. They give solid, convincing evidence of the existence of God and who he is, and that there is no other God. But this knowledge is only revealed to those who are "rightly disposed" as the Scriptures bring out - Acts 13:48 - When those of the nations heard this, they began to rejoice and to glorify the word of Jehovah, and all those who were rightly disposed for everlasting life became believers. - - - - God reveals the evidence to humble, right hearted individuals. Those who are not humble, cannot see the evidence - Matthew 11:25 - At that time Jesus said in response: “I publicly praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and intellectual ones and have revealed them to young children. - - - - However, God can even help individuals to gain the right attitude (a humble one) - Philippians 3:15 -

    Therefore, let those of us who are mature be of this mental attitude, and if you are mentally inclined otherwise in any respect, God will reveal the above attitude to you. - - - - God gives holy spirit to those humbly asking for it - Luke 11:13 - Therefore, if you, although being wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more so will the Father in heaven give holy spirit to those asking him!” - - - - And this spirit can reveal to us the proper understanding of the Scriptures - John 14:26

    But the helper, the holy spirit, which the Father will send in my name, that one will teach you all things and bring back to your minds all the things I told you. - - - - Thus faith, as described in the Scriptures is based on solid, convincing evidence. That's why as long as one continues to consider the Scriptures, a true Christians faith does not falter. It is solid. Pray for holy spirit and then see what the Bible can teach you -

  • ?
    Lv 5
    4 years ago

    Because the God of the Bible is the only true God, all other religions have Gods that do NOT exist ...

    ”hear, O Israel: Jehovah our God is one Jehovah:” Deuteronomy 6:4 NAV

    Attachment image
  • G C
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    The Bible is the ONLY religious writing which can be so validated by objective science that it is no longer up for debate after being under scrutiny for the last 2000 years.

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  • 4 years ago

    Repentance will lead you to truth.

    Why do you refuse repentance?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Yes even the scripture acknowledges many gods.. (The First Commandment 'you shall have no other gods before me; would be nonsensical if there were no other gods). What distinguishes the many pagan gods from the one Creator God is that the pagan gods are created entities or beings, while the creator God is not. Aristotle's discourse on the Prime Mover demonstrates that there can be only one Prime Mover (Creator God) so your likely objection for many creator gods, was answered about 2300 years ago, by a Pagan Greek Philosopher.

    You are somewhat misinformed. I believe God makes more sense than no-God because of the evidence I have examined.

    You wouldn't recognize logic if it urinated on your shoes. Asserting there is no God based on your alleged lack of evidence is an example of the argument from ignorance fallacy which because it is fallacious is by definition illogical. The evidence overwhelmingly supports exactly what the Bible says.

    This is just another example why atheism is a self-limiting phenomenon. The neo-atheists are so driven to attack and discredit others, they make ignorant statements that make them look simple minded and naive.

    If atheism or evolutionism could stand on its own, why the need to attack and ridicule those with a differing opinion, like Hitler or Stalin or ISIS or atheist/evolutionists, etc., using venomous attacks to eradicate dissenters; just another form of terrorism (truth terrorism).

    Why can't atheists figure out their ignorance does not constitute anybody else's error? Denying the evidence does not make it go away it just makes you look ignorant!

    It is very sad that your teachers were more concerned with teaching you what to think (interpreting the facts/evidence for you) than teaching you how to think (how to evaluate the facts and interpret them for yourself).

    Perhaps you should actually take a critical look at the evidence rather than just the load of crap you were spoon fed in school.

    It would be equally valid to point out your believing in the existence of things based entirely on inference (gravitrons, dark energy, of black holes, dark matter, sparticles, gravitons, etc.), but denying theists the right to believe in God based on inference amounts to special pleading.

    How do you form a belief? Just "pick one"? Is your entire belief system based on illogical irrational unfounded unsupported OPINION? That would be a nutjob loser.

    @Stefan presents opinion as fact or belief as truth. Whether or not this is due to ignorance or deliberate deception is up to the individual to judge for himself.

    Go away until you find a fact like a good little delusional atheist/propagandist liar.

  • 4 years ago

    I believe that you're just as stupid as those people that believe in Egyptian gods with three eyes and things of that nature.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    I didn't "pick" the God of the Bible, He picked me. Jesus said, "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day" (John 6:44). All the other "gods" are feckless human creations: "The rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands, so as not to worship demons, and the idols of gold and of silver and of brass and of stone and of wood, which can neither see nor hear nor walk" (Revelation 9:20).

    The above answer is correct, certainly as it relates to scripture. There is only one God, but your quandary is - how does one know that the God of the Bible is THE One God? And I gave thought to your quandary as you were looking for how does God work personally in one's life in order to create assurance of His existence and reality? In other words, where is the proof or assurance outside of scripture? Let me say that God's Word is powerful (Hebrews 4:12) and is essentially all that is needed. However, it is fair to ask how that works in the "real world"?

    About eight years ago, I was diagnosed with an immune system disease which attacks my kidneys. The ultimate end was to then go on dialysis. That day finally came this summer and I was on dialysis by the end of July. Naturally, one asks, "why Lord?", and "please heal my XXXXX (health condition)". In fact, I belong to a church of "prayer warriors" that were seeking to have me healed of this disease and prevent the dialysis. However, I was mindful that Jesus asked the Father three times to be removed from the upcoming crucifixion, and He acceded, "not My will, but yours" and Paul was told, after praying three times to have a "thorn in the flesh" removed, that "no, My grace is sufficient for you". It was possible that, despite all of the "effectual" praying that previously worked miracles, the answer would be "no". And it was "no". But I did not ask people to pray for God to heal me, but that God would give me "wisdom" and "grace". Wisdom to understand that God has a purpose in me going on dialysis and grace to bear it. That is the answer that I got. I view dialysis as "life support" and "medieval" and I was ready to go home with the Lord. I had no desire to be on dialysis. You are hooked up to a machine with very large needles for three to five hours, three times a week.

    God chose to give me the "wisdom" that He had a purpose for me to go to dialysis. In fact that is what I pray each time - "Lord give me peace and help me to be a blessing to others, and please lessen the pain". The pain, while great at first, has greatly lessened, but here is the miracle of what God has done: I smile before I go into the dialysis center, I smile while I am there, and I smile as I leave. The workers are like angels and we laugh at the pain and misery and praise God. I have met many of the other patients and I share with them about the love of Jesus.

    A year ago I was ready and willing to go home to Jesus. But He was not ready for me to come home.

    God is real and He knows what He is doing.

  • 4 years ago

    Your logic is flawed. There were thousands of Gods worshiped by millions of people before God ever existed, if he exist.

  • 4 years ago

    The logic is that there can really only be one supreme god in this universe who creates the laws of nature. Socrates and Aristotle came to this same conclusion. Christians have come to the conclusion that this god is the Christian God.

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