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.How could a giraffe origin exist through the fable of evolutionary guise?
How could the giraffe evolve from a horse like animal without dying in the proposed process of evolution?
It looks like there is more proof for design in a giraffe than there is some gradual evolution. Even the fossil record does not indicate the origin and evolution of this marvelous creature.
These wonderful eagles don't show evolution in the fossil record neither.
Fossil focus: Giraffidae — where we’ve been and where we’re going...PALAEONTOLOGY[online]
Quote from Paleontologists...The origins of Giraffidae are hazy.

16 Answers
- Anonymous3 years ago
- Tony RLv 73 years ago
I'm not up on all the fossils found, however, there are going to be some we don't have decent records for showing the evolution for them, yet there are many that we do. The game here is to ignore the ones we do have good fossil records for, and focus on the ones we don't, or to assume we just don't have records at all, and not even look at all to see if that is true.
It that really a good path to truth?
- 🤔 JayLv 73 years ago
Evolution is no fable or guise. You seem to be illiterate on the subject.
Your God soaked brain requires you to deny science. So sad.
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- 3 years ago
Also, the presence of this transitional fossil indicates that the short neck ancestors were being gradually pulverized by something until their populations were near extinction. Why? Because a small population causes mutation rates to skyrocket through inbreeding corruption. This high rate of mutation causes better chances for evolutionary adaptation at the expense of a significant amount of death, debilitation and genetic disease which Natural Selection happily destroys into oblivion. These failed lines of genetic experimentation are what we see on the charts as extinction. The lines that continue are what we see as transitionals - random genetic accidents that shuffled the right amount of DNA into the right places.
Our own human lineage evolved from such an accident - the accidental fusion of chromosomes 12 and 13 in the offspring of an ancient primate that is now extinct.
The presence of extinction - especially mass extinction - causes men of wisdom to question the idea of divine design....
.....and the existence of god.
- Hi TLv 73 years ago
Only Atheists devolve towards apes, accidently. The rest of us came by intelligent design.
- CogitoLv 73 years ago
Giraffes did NOT evolve from a horse.
You really should read a good book explaining about evolution!
- ?Lv 73 years ago
It can't. The very fact that the sponge which supplies blood when they lift their head and the valves which keep the heart from blowing a hole in their heads when they bend over shows evolution is a lie.
- Onion3000Lv 63 years ago
Seriously? Is that what your church is claiming now? Read a book. A different one.
- Anonymous3 years ago
Guess if they believe their lying eyes or should i say, Satanic blindness, then it will be possible--almost like someone on mind altering medication.