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How Did... God create the whale? Through evolution?

seems like evolutionists can't make up their mind as to origins. Some researchers and paleontologists,cannot decide if it evolved from a cloven foot animal, another popular theory Hypothesis choice is a Bear like animal. Even other evolutionary hypotheses, promote the idea of the whale from a wolf like animal.


New research turns a long-accepted evolutionary assumption on its head – finding that far from being just vestigial, whale pelvic bones play a key role in reproduction.

11 Answers

  • Bilbo, keep it up. You keep showing an increase in your lack of credibility with each new posting of yours.

    In the first place, a genome analysis confirms that cetaceans--whales and dolphins--are related to even-toed ungulates.

    Now, why would your god have created whales showing such a relationship?

    It should be noted that the ancestor of whales and the even-toed ungulates did NOT have hoofs like the present-day species of ungulates do.

    Studies of cetacean evolution show that the ancestors of whales, and other cetaceans for that matter, had four limbs and that cetaceans STILL have the genes for making four limbs.

    What evolutionary studies have determined is that the long ago common ancestor of cetaceans was a land mammal that gradually evolved to fit in a water environment in stages (similar to what otters and seals are doing today) until they became completely adapted to a marine life.

    That is what the fossils indicate and an analysis of their genomes shows.

    The flukes of a whale are a part of the whale's tail; they are not derived from the rear limbs, which have vestigial remnants in the whale's body.

    Incidentally, if a body part is no longer used for its original purpose and becomes vestigial, evolution can still make use of it for another purpose.

    And there is this.

    "Among mammals, modern cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises) are unusual in the absence of hind limbs. However, cetacean embryos do initiate hind-limb bud development. In dolphins, the bud arrests and degenerates around the fifth gestational week."

    Normally, as that quote indicated, the development of the rear limbs is suppressed during the fetal stage, though, in fact, there are rear limb buds during the embryonic stage. In some some cases, however, that suppression is curtailed and whales and dolphins are occasionally born with atavistic rear limbs, or flippers, though they are usually small and deformed. See the image below.

    This link has a photo of a whale embryo's limb buds. The rear limb bud has a small arrow pointed to it.

    IAll that shows that cetaceans DO have the genes for rear limbs, even though their development is normally suppressed.

    The appendages in marine vertebrates are used for two functions: propulsion and maneuvering.

    The evolution of the whale's appendages were a matter of an ergonomic adaptation. When the ancestors of whales first started living part of their life in the water, primarily to search for food, they had four legs. As they spent more of their time in water, they became more adapted to that mode of living.

    Over time, the tail of the proto-whales developed flukes to aid in propulsion, while the legs, which became early flippers, were used for maneuvering. However, the front flippers were more effective in performing maneuvering than the rear flippers, and the rear flippers actually caused excessive drag that would have slowed the whale. Consequently, over time the rear flippers became reduced in size and ultimately became vestigial. As a result, whales became more sleek and streamlined, which, obviously, would be beneficial in a marine environment.

    So, once again, thanks for showing that you don't know what you are talking about.

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  • 3 years ago

    seems like evolutionists can't make up their mind as to origins

    - It seems like idiot fundies can't read anything intelligent.

    Even other evolutionary hypotheses, promote the idea of the whale from a wolf like animal.

    - Like I said, read something intelligent.

    whale pelvic bones play a key role in reproduction.

    - Regurgitating what the idiot of the internet says does not make you brilliant.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    he didnt, not through evolution, but he created all things in the spirit before he created them in the earth. and one verse says that he created all animals from the dust, just as in the same way he created the first man Adam. something like that.

  • 3 years ago

    God didn't create anything because gods are all man-made superstitions and do not exist.

    Whales evolved from a common ancestor closely related to the hippo and has been confirmed with the identification of more than 4 identically damaged DNA segments found in both whales and hippos such as #HIP4, #KM14 and #GM5 - demonstrating that the two species evolved from a common ancestor who passed these damaged genes as hereditary markers to all subsequent speciations.

    Hippos are a living example of transitional species. Other examples of existing land-sea transitional species are the mudskipper, sea lion, marine iguana and the manatee - the latter which still has toenails on the ends of its flippers:


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  • ?
    Lv 6
    3 years ago

    I prefer when someone is humble enough to admit they don't know or that they'd like evidence, over a theist who insists and is 100% certain that a god exists, even when there is no evidence for it.

    Saying "scientists can't agree" or "science doesn't know everything" is not the insult you think it is, champ. Evolution is MUCH more scientifically involved than saying "god did it," and it requires a higher level of intelligence and understanding.

  • 3 years ago

    It doesn't matter how, I'm just glad there are still whales out there.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 years ago


  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    seems like ur imaginary friend likes to make up stuff

  • 3 years ago

    And without any evidence for evolution....... None, Nada, Zip, Zero

    Here is evidences for Creation .. 10/page

    I like the ones on 'Big Bang' and 'Population'

    There is always hope in Jesus Christ for those who will repent of their evil ways

    and believe, receiving the forgiveness of sins and eternal life.

  • True, I even red that some scientists think it is part iguana.

    I thought this was a professor Hugh question.

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