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Why do Liberals use Politifact as a source when it is not well sourced and it is an opinion of a narrow mind?

Beware, lest Trump & PolitiFact turn your liberal talking point into a falsehood!

PolitiFact gave President Donald Trump a "False" rating for claiming the GOP tax bill had effectively repealed the Affordable Care Act.

We figured there was a good chance that defenders of the ACA had made the same claim.

Sure enough, we found an example from the prestigious left-leaning magazine The Atlantic.

The Google preview tells the story, as does the story's URL, though the story's title tames things a little: "The GOP's High-Risk Move to Whack Obamacare in Its Tax Bill."

The key "repeal" line came from an expert The Atlantic cited in its story (bold emphasis added):

“Make no mistake, repealing the individual mandate is tantamount to repealing the Affordable Care Act,” said Brad Woodhouse, campaign director for Protect Our Care, an advocacy group supportive of the ACA.

Would The Atlantic receive a "False" rating from PolitiFact?

Would PolitiFact even notice the claim if it wasn't coming from a Republican?

Afters (other liars who escaped PolitiFact's notice)

"GOP tax bill is just another way to repeal health care." (Andy Slavitt, USA Today)

"Republican tax bill to include Obamacare repeal" (Christian Science Monitor)

"Republicans undermine their own tax reform bill to repeal Obamacare" (Salon)

"Another Obamacare repeal effort doesn't actually have to be in the tax cuts bill, says the guy heading up popular vote loser Donald Trump's Office of Management and Budget." (Daily Kos)

7 Answers

  • 3 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Trump did say Obama-care is effectively being repealed over a period of time. After that statement I guess it becomes a matter of personal views on the topic.

    Give it a couple of years to set up the trend. Those who hate paying a massive tax to receive nothing will opt out. Those in need who get it for nearly nothing will stay in.

    If yo like your Obama-Care you can keep your Obama-Care.

    Eventually it will become obvious that correcting the flaws in Medicaid will accomplish the task much more efficiently and honestly and at lower cost.

    As for good News sources it is difficult to beat Fox. But the editorials are biased.

    Unlike other Mainstream Networks they admit when they are editorializing. Other networks pretend their Bias is factual.

  • 3 years ago

    They often use Think Progress, Huffpo, and, the worst, Occupy Democrats which even Politifact says has never told the truth. Its because anything that is positive toward Republicans must be a lie as far as they are concerned. Everyone knows, Republicans have never done anything good for the country! lol.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    By any means neccessary

  • 3 years ago

    Puerto Ricans are lazy.

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  • 3 years ago

    Hey its only a fact when someone pays you enough to guide the minions. Its all about the MONEY. There is something to be said about listening to those that have walked through life. Rather than walked to a University that has teachers PAID ALOT to tell you what the DEAN wants them to know.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    I only follow reputable, unbiased news sources like Fox News and Alex Jones.

  • 3 years ago

    Facts make conservatives heads explode. "Bu...what? Fox News didn't never tell me tha...."

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