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Did you know that assault rifles are ALREADY banned? Yeah they've been banned since 1934?

10 Answers

  • Kini
    Lv 7
    3 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    That is not the type they are talking about. In 1934 we had Tommy guns or machine guns. What the Democrats call "assault" weapons are not necessarily military grade weapons. They are now using the term "weapons of war" which is very misleading and wrong. The Dems are calling all high powered rifles "asault" weapons to scare people and to win the argument.

  • 3 years ago

    The AR15 is a semi automatic version of the M16.

    While it may be illegal converting it to full auto takes a few minutes work.

    The AR15 is as close as legally possible to the M16.

  • 3 years ago

    In 1934, they were taxed - at such an amount that made them impractical. In 1986 the production and import of them was made illegal. It is still legal to own and sell them. The catch is that they have to have been manufactured prior to 1986 and the owner has to have an FFL license.

  • 3 years ago

    Yes. The NFA Act of 1934 regulated full auto, select fire, short barreled guns, and accessories requiring a $200 tax stamp which at the time was equivalent to over $13,000. However it wasn't until the Firearms Owner Protection Act of 1986 that full auto/ burst fire firearms became completely illegal if manufactured after May 19th 1986.

    Edit: Oh look I hurt someone's feelings with truth, awesome.

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  • 3 years ago

    Did you know you don't have a clue about assault weapons or their bans.

    That is an undefined term that didn't exist before 1994 and then only a sensationalizing term anti gun fascists have used.

    Any gun used offensively can be coined an assault gun.

    1994 saw the first ban, and expired in 2004. Obama resurrected this ban,and failed, now it is up to the state.

    8 states have this ban.

    The 1934 ban was full automatic 'machine guns' and not banned to responsible persons qualifying for FFL.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Assault weapons are still being sold.

    Lawmakers may outlaw certain types of weapons, but they may not disarm the citizenry. The "right to bear arms" is not a right to nullify any government measure a resident may find objectionable.

    The Second Amendment Is Not Absolute

    Constitutional rights are not absolute. They never have been and, practically, never can be. In our constitutional democracy, we have always recognized that we can, and must, have our constitutional cake and regulate it too.

    The Second Amendment, of course, is no exception. In the 2008 case of District of Columbia v. Heller, the Supreme Court told us that we have a constitutional right to possess firearms for self-defense, at least within our homes. But the opinion never suggested that this right was unconditional or immune from all regulation. In fact, Justice Scalia, writing for the majority, said just the opposite. In Heller, he specifically said that “the right secured by the Second Amendment is not unlimited.”

    Protecting the right to keep and bear arms is not the same as forbidding all regulations on that right. We can protect that right and still require background checks, permits, and training. We can still regulate when, where, and what kinds of guns are allowed. In some cases, we can regulate who can obtain guns, imposing restrictions on, for instance, felons, the mentally ill, and known terrorists. We can ban firearms such as military-style assault weapons that (like child pornography) plainly cause far more harm than they add in value. We can require those who are negligent with their weapons (as we do those who are negligent with their words in defamation cases) to be held liable for the harm they inflict on others. We can do all of these things; we just don’t. There might be policy reasons to debate the pros and cons of specific regulations, but there’s no reason to assume that there is a constitutional problem.

  • 3 years ago

    i want a tommy gun! or one of these:

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Definitions, words change.

  • 3 years ago

    They are not banned, there are blatantly Americans on youtube in America with fully automatic machine guns like AK-47's and all sorts of other guns, and yes they own them. If you don't call that an assault rifle then you are a moron.

    The Las Vegas shooters also used fully automatic machine guns as well, so whatever strange obscure definition you have for "assault rifle" clearly isn't anything that anyone else is going to agree with you on.

    There are hundreds of other videos of Americans shooting other fully automatic machine guns also, many have collections of them. They clearly aren't banned.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    MSNBC told them a semi auto is a " MILITARY GRADE ASSAULT WEAPON " .

    Oh , and a black , composite stock is far more deadly than a wooden stock .

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