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Redmonk asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 3 years ago

Do you think Nick Griffin was right to insist that the perpetrators of the grooming of under age girls for sex were Asian men.?

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Yes, he absolutely was.

    One senior police officer believes there's been as many as 600,000 victims of these "grooming gangs" since 1997. The victim toll has risen to 1,500 in Rotherham and we've seen these grooming scandals in towns and cities across England. It's an atrocity. The Jay Report is one of the most shocking things I've ever read.

    It highlights the danger of the race card. After something like this I'm surprised anyone is still cowed by it after these events. The authorities involved were scared of "inflaming racial tensions in the community".

    These cases are still going on but they're no longer national news, sadly. They're now restricted to local news or you have to go to the alternative media to find out what's going on.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Is that the same Nick Griffin who tried to sabotage the trial in Liverpool of those found guilty of systematic abuse and grooming in Rochdale, by tweeting details of the case before reporting restrictions were lifted, and by intimidating jurors to find the accused men guilty?

    There is no doubt about the men's guilt, but the actions of Griffin and the BNP demonstrators almost gave the accused men's lawyers grounds to apply to have the trial stopped due to juror intimidation. Griffin wanted an acquittal - his narrative was that the state would not take action, and convictions disproved that.

    Griffin and the BNP did not care one jot about the victims of the abuse - their only interest was the ethnicity of the abusers. In claiming that Asians were involved in the grooming of under-age girls, he was accurate. His implication that only Asians carried out such abuse was a lie, and his silence on other cases of sexual abuse of children where the criminals aren't Asian speaks volumes.

  • 3 years ago

    Definitely, BNP leader or not he banged away at trying to warn us what was happening for a number of years but all the liberal left could do is call him racist. Jack Straw admitted he knew what was going on but thought that there could be community unrest if anything was done about, meanwhile the authorities were quiet happy to let Nick go to prison for telling the truth.

    Edit Roger. It's the same Nick Griffin who people like yourself refused to believe because of his 'Right wing' views on immigration and the like. Mostly BNP councillors (and a some conservative councillors but not Labour or Liberals) were well aware of what was happening in Rotherham and spoke out but the authorities would have none of it, when Griffin stood up to be counted he was one day away from jail until the intervention of the Daily Mail . The response from the authorities and excuses made upon reflection of their neglect were alarming. Those not born in this country should have been deported but they will be out and allowed to roam the streets again so if what you say is true the BNP will have been proved right yet again

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