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What is a man supposed to do if his wife acts violently?

My 9 month old baby was climbing up something to get onto her feet. I was watching her and let her continue because I thought it looked relatively safe. But then her foot slipped and she toppled over and bumped her head on the floor. So I quickly picked her up to cuddle her while she cries.

Then my wife walks up behind me and hits me in the head. I get knocked over and get a concussion and drop the baby and she lands head first. Luckily the baby fell on the soft play matt this time, although I question whether my wife could even have anticipated the consequences of her rash actions before she lashed out.

As usual, she is completely adamant that her actions were justified and will not admit wrong doing. I m the one in the wrong because the baby fell on the floor while I was watching her, but only fell on the play matt when I got knocked down.

Also I have a throbbing head ache and mild whiplash in my neck.

What s a man supposed to do?

7 Answers

  • 3 years ago

    Thats violent? Did it ever occur that she was upset that you let your child fall and hit their head on the floor? But of course people want to ignore that fact. In her eyes, you let your child get hurt. Second thing, how hard did she hit you that you got a concussion? Honestly, both of you were in the wrong so you should stop acting like you did nothing wrong.

  • 3 years ago

    Realize that angry people don't think rationally. Allow each of you to calm down and then discuss the issue.

  • 3 years ago

    You need to show your wife that behavior is not acceptable. Your rug rat is learning to walk and you can bet there will be falls. Wait til they get into second or third gear.

    Might be time to kid proof the home and set your wife straight.

  • 3 years ago

    Call a domestic abuse hotline and get help. Then start seeing a therapist by yourself. Then see a lawyer. This is extremely troubling.

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  • lala
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    Next time she abuse you CALL the police

    and protect your daughter

    Your were not at fault when the baby fell

    I raise 5 kids and all of them fell

    its normal baby fell

  • 3 years ago

    Your woman smacked you, made you drop the baby, takes no responsibility, and YOU SAY IT'S YOUR FAULT?

    You are a total CUCK! Please take your baby to a safe place and man up. She needs to be in jail for endangering a minor and you too if you are too limp-wristed to protect your child from an abuser.

  • 3 years ago

    I would get the baby to a safe place, call the police, have her arrested, and leave her/move out. Your child comes first. Honestly when it comes to a child's life in the face of a crazy woman, chivalry is out the door and I wouldn't hesitate to pound her unconscious to protect my kid. That is nuts and looks like jail time, for her, too. I doubt you would have any custody battle issues.

    If she is abusing you and you aren't man enough to end things, at least get the baby out of that situation

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