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  • What is a man supposed to do if his wife acts violently?

    My 9 month old baby was climbing up something to get onto her feet. I was watching her and let her continue because I thought it looked relatively safe. But then her foot slipped and she toppled over and bumped her head on the floor. So I quickly picked her up to cuddle her while she cries.

    Then my wife walks up behind me and hits me in the head. I get knocked over and get a concussion and drop the baby and she lands head first. Luckily the baby fell on the soft play matt this time, although I question whether my wife could even have anticipated the consequences of her rash actions before she lashed out.

    As usual, she is completely adamant that her actions were justified and will not admit wrong doing. I m the one in the wrong because the baby fell on the floor while I was watching her, but only fell on the play matt when I got knocked down.

    Also I have a throbbing head ache and mild whiplash in my neck.

    What s a man supposed to do?

    7 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships3 years ago
  • How should the moderate right react to Nazis infiltrating their protest rally?

    If, hypothetically, I had ancestors that died serving the confederacy, and therefore I was protesting the desecration of confederate war memorials. Or I was objecting to the socially accepted assumption that the confederacy is synonymous with slavery, and that the incursion of the south was primarily to abolish said slavery, as opposed to ceasing southern resources and crushing any semblance of independence.

    And then some Neo Nazis (who presumably subscribe the publicly accepted slavery assumption) appear in the crowd...

    And I don't want to get my head stomped into the pavement by a mob of violent left-wing degenerates...

    How best to manage this purely hypothetical predicament?

    6 AnswersPolitics4 years ago
  • What happens if two people sign a statutory declaration implicating the other as the driver?

    Like if an automatic speed camera picks up their car speeding and the primary owner gets sent a fine. If they both claim that they were not driving and there is no evidence either way, how can anyone be found liable?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • Is having an identical twin reasonable doubt in a murder case?

    Lets say that there are identical twins that live together. They have many articles of clothing in common and share most of their belongings, but sleep in separate rooms. One gets out of bed, gets dressed, leaves the house on foot and commits a murder by bludgeoning the victim with a baseball bat, spattering blood all over themself and leaving behind eyewitnesses, surveillance footage, shoe prints, and DNA footage placing themself there.

    He/she wipes clean the murder weapon of finger prints and drops it. Then the twin walks home, undresses and thoroughly scrubs in the shower and sneaks back to bed.

    In the morning one of the twins calls the police saying that they found the bloody clothes, confronted their twin about it, and that their twin more-or-less confessed to murder. The accused twin claims that they had not noticed the clothes in the bathroom and that the alleged conversation never happened prior to the police being called. Both use the identical alibi of being home asleep and knowing nothing about the murder. Both claim to have worn the discarded clothes recently, but not on the night of the murder. Both claim to have showered shortly before going to bed that night. Both have equal motive for the murder.

    Do you think that there would be enough forensic evidence to determine which of the two had actually committed the murder? How would this case play out in a trial?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games4 years ago
  • Is having an identical twin reasonable doubt in a murder trial?

    I ve been getting plenty of sleep but I still feel tired.

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby4 years ago
  • what kind of ore is this?

    my mum found it. It was like a blobby silvery metallic thing. My mum thinks it might be silver ore but I thought it was too light. How many ores meet this description?

    4 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology5 years ago
  • My wife hits me?

    I'm not saying that she bashes me to a pulp or physically subdues me. It doesn't happen all the time, but sometimes if we have an argument and I talk back to her she flies off the handle and beats me with her fists. She doesn't hold back at all, she does it literally as hard as she is physically able.

    Last night we had an argument because she told me to take her laundry off the line at 5pm and also because we don't use pegs and one of her shirts fell on the grass. I told her that I left it out because it was still wet and that it will not rain because there are no clouds in the sky and that I did nothing wrong and that she should respect other peoples opinions so she punched me in the guts. I think it is bruised internally because I can still feel it in the morning.

    Later I stood up to her and took her to task about it. I told her that hitting people is unacceptable, that she is responsible for her own actions and that she is being a bully. She just agues with me that it's my fault and that I did the wrong thing and she doesn't really accept my point.

    I don't really like being hit and I'm not very happy about it.

    What is a man supposed to do?

    22 AnswersFamily5 years ago
  • Is there anything I can do about a squeaking floor board?

    it s at the top of the stairs in a carpeted hallway.

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs5 years ago
  • What legal power do owners of physical property have over virtual space in augmented reality apps?

    I read an article about how the holocaust museum was a location for free items in the Pokémon go game. Obviously they didn't really like people playing pokemon in the museum because it's not really in the spirit of sober remembrance of the holocaust. I'm guessing that in their case Nintendo will be cooperative with them on this issue.

    This raises the question though... Do the owners of physical land have any legal power over the corresponding virtual space?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • What happens if I use the wrong power supply?

    I have an old casio casitone CT-310

    Rating: DC 9V 8.5W

    Battery 1.5V x 6

    or AC adaptor AD-5

    I'm looking around the house for a power supply to use.

    I found the following:

    Output: 9V DC 200mA

    from a hand held mini vacuum cleaner charging base.

    so the keyboard must demand about 945mA (8.5W / 9V) but the supply delivers only 200mA correct? What will happen if I try to use it? will it be very quiet? or do nothing? or get damaged?

    3 AnswersOther - Electronics5 years ago
  • What should I do about myself?

    Dear internet. I am a dark, seathing, brooding, cynical, nihilistic, contemptuous, conceited, antisocial ******** who finds no pleasure in life because everything is devoid of meaning or purpose but I'm too chiken **** to end my own life. What should i do?

    6 AnswersPhilosophy5 years ago
  • What do you call this part of a sailing ship?

    A wheel that is turned by several people walking around it pushing handles. Can also be used to drive a primitive mill. What is the word for these hand turned wheels?

    4 AnswersWords & Wordplay5 years ago
  • Have you notice black people on YA who intentionally set out to annoy white people who discuss black racism?

    But never seem to acknowledge the fact that the reason this top attracts/agitates them in the first place is because they are a black racist?

    8 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups5 years ago
  • How come black people suddenly become sooooo confused when a white person complains about something?

    And all of a sudden they are not able to unable to comprehend simple concepts that they talk about every day in relation to their own perceived plight. What would the world be like if everybody picked apart the logic of MLK and called him an idiot and intentionally misinterpreted what he said and put words in his mouth and called him an idiot and dismissed him?

    3 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups5 years ago
  • If blackface is so offensive to black people, then why do some of them wear inappropriate shades of lipstick?

    There's a black girl in my class. I have nothing against her other than the fact that the way she did her make up today resembles blackface. She is involved in the fashion industry and should know how to select a shade of lipstick. Instead of choosing a sexy burgundy, she chose neon pink. I doubt society would tolerate a white person choosing black foundation.

    Every day white people like me are reminded of our cultural guilt and dept to society. I don't think that she should rub this in my face by actually imitating the exact image that she claims that my ancestors wrongly projected onto her. Should I tell her how offended I am?

    4 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups5 years ago
  • What do black apologists think about this other forum?

    Here is alternative forum that attracts users with a much higher IQ than YA! Note how intelligent people are able to post factual information without having it censored by self deceived social justice warriors:

    How does it make black apologists feel knowing that it is much harder to derail their social dialogue than it is on YA! ?

    2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups5 years ago
  • Could dividing by zero actually be useful?

    According to mathematical axioms a/0 has no meaning because there is no number that when multiplied by zero could equal a (where a is not zero). Isn't that like saying that there's no meaning in finding the square root of a negative number? Couldn't there be some imaginary number line where a/0 exists? Has this been done before? is there any applications to this?

    4 AnswersMathematics5 years ago
  • What to you know about dysthymia?

    My psychologist says that I have "dysthymia". It was good to finally hear someone sound like they know what they are talking about because every professional I have spoken to before was very vague, and in the end, not very helpful. We haven't started any kind of therapy yet, but I am at least hopeful now that she might be able to help me.

    What do you know about "dysthymia"?

    1 AnswerPsychology5 years ago