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For which of the following transitions would a hydrogen atom absorb the lowest energy photon?

A.) n=4 to n=5

B.)n=5 to n=2

C.) n=4 to n=3

D.)n=3 to n=1

E.) n=3 to n=2

2 Answers

  • Grover
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    This question is kind of a freebie. Of the choices only one shows a lower to higher level transition which is what happens when a photon is absorbed.

    If you want a more detailed understanding, look at this diagram.

    Keep in mind that the longer the wavelength, the lower the energy.

    So the lowest energy (longest wavelength) transition on the graph is the 3<--->4.

    It's lower energy than 1<--->2 and 2<--->3

    By implication the higher the single level transition, the lower the energy difference.

    So even though a 4<--->5 transition is not shown on the diagram it would be lower energy than a 3<--->4.

  • Fern
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    When a hydrogen atom absorbs energy, as it does when an electric discharge passes through it,

    the electron is raised from the orbit having n = 1 to a higher orbit, to n = 2 or n = 3 or even higher. The hydrogen atom is now in an excited state. These higher orbits are less stable than the lower ones, so the electron quickly drops to a lower orbit.

    Answer is A.) n = 4 to n = 5

    Look at the following websites:

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