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Matthew asked in PetsRodents · 3 years ago

I have had a hamster for about 2 weeks and it just bites all the time, when should I give it back to the shop and get a better one?

It just bites everything you put in there. It is a lost cause. I tried putting lemon on my hand and it still bites. I have had to go to the doctor once because it bit me so deep. I have thought about dumping it in the field. Is there any more ideas before I give it back to the shop?

1 Answer

  • PR
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    Just take it back or ask the store how to handle it. Don't dump it because it would die, or be eaten.

    Call the store for ideas.

    You might try first wearing leather gloves. As long as the bites don't hurt or deter you, the hamster will usually stop and give up.

    If none of that helps and they won't take it back, I've seen hamsters at animal shelters, and on Craigslist. Someone will take it.

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