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How to be more open and friendly as a fast food cashier?

I'm a 17 year old boy with social anxiety that recently got employed at a fast food joint. I suffer from social anxiety and interacting with people causes me great stress and fear but I have to work because I have to start helping my family out financially. My job requires me to welcome all employees with a loud and cheery voice and always have a smile, which are things that don't come naturally to me. How can I overcome this? Also, tips and advice for being a cashier would be appreciated. Thank you


welcome all customers with a loud and cheery voice*

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    One of our kids has severe social anxiety and uses this trick all the time. I can tell it's happening, but nobody else can, apparently.

    Cast yourself in a roll. The character you are playing is a person very like your real self, only not anxious, shy, or quiet. The character thinks nothing of saying hi, smiling at people, or making eye contact. The character has the same job you do in real life (talk about typecasting!) and is pretty good at it, perfectly at ease with customers, warm and friendly.

    At first, you may have to base your portrayal on someone you know. How would your brother, your friend, that confident person in your English class, act as he takes each order or returns change? Be that person if you find it helpful, but over time, get closer to the true character you're supposed to be playing.

    Yeah, I know, it sounds silly, but for Anxiety Kid, it's how to manage all kinds of things other people do easily. What matters isn't that it's silly, but that it works.

    (And you know that four to six months of Cognitive Behavior Therapy makes a huge difference, right? Save up!)

  • kswck2
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    Welcome to one of the worst jobs in the world. When you are Wrong, you are wrong, and when you are Right, you are still wrong. You get folks that want to start a fight over getting small fries instead of Large fries.

    So knowing you are dealing with the lower IQ part of society, just smile(knowing full well they are complete idiots and will never go anywhere in life). Just laugh to yourself at these pathetic fools.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    3 years ago

    Hey no worries man, this is a part of personal development.

    I'm older now but when I was a teen and even young adult I had social anxiety, It was hard for me to make friends and I was a virgin until my mid 20's!

    As you work you will become more social and it will become a norm. Now at 28 I speak my mind, had fun with the ladies and stand up for myself and others.

    All comes with time. You were not born walking! You had to learn to crawl first!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    Practice meditation, this will relax you to better handle things later on.

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