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Lv 6
? asked in PetsReptiles · 3 years ago

How to look after a tortoise?

My birthday is coming up in May and this year I have decided that all I really want is a tortoise. It's pretty random, but one day I was just thinking about all the different pets I could have and a tortoise just seemed like the right one to get.

Just so you know, I also have a cat and a dog... They're both pretty hyperactive, so would it be okay to bring a tortoise into the same house as them? I doubt they'd try to harm it, but I'm just wondering if tortoises would prefer to be in a calmer environment?

I know virtually nothing about keeping tortoises so any answers on what to feed it, where to keep it (outside or inside) etc... would be highly appreciated. Thank you!

3 Answers

  • 3 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    They have very specialized diets, requiring fresh veggies all the time. And you really need to read up on the specifics for each species, they are not that easy to keep plus they live decades long.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    Your dog will kill the tortoise. Wait until you don't have a dog to get a tortoise. You can look back through the Reptiles section and see plenty of questions that start something like this:

    o my aunt was visiting and her dog bit the legs off my tortoise

    o my tortoise has gashes in his shell because a dog had him in his mouth, will he be okay

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    Hit the library. There are a lot of books on tortoise care and some of them are even accurate. I suggest a tortoise table, rather than letting the tortoise roam free. This should keep the tortoise and dog separate. The cat will probably not be much of a problem unless the tortoise is tiny.

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