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? asked in Arts & HumanitiesHistory · 3 years ago

Was the Red Scare necessary?

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Lets face it kiddies, the capitalist system has done wonders for 35% of the country. The other 65% get to enjoy the swimming part of the American dream. Or starvation, one of the two.

    The communist system gives a home(that can be passed on) job for life, full medical, dental, optical.

    But you forgo some freedoms(NOT ALL) and the government takes care of everything.

    communism is possibly the extreme, like capitalism is. A 3rd way is Socialism. Bit of a cross between the both.

    This passage appears to predict the problems Capitalist countries have currently, with the forecast of increasing disparity.

    According to Marxian theory, class conflict arises in capitalist societies due to contradictions between the material interests of the oppressed proletariat—a class of wage labourers employed by the bourgeoisie to produce goods and services—and the bourgeoisie—the ruling class that owns the means of production and extract their wealth through appropriation of the surplus product (profit) produced by the proletariat.

    In America in the 20's the worker(the proletariat) had noticed that things we getting a tad one sided and started to look to form unions.

    Socialism really but adopted by the government as COMMUNIST, but the reality was it was just average Joe, wanting his crack of the whip.

    Now comes the bit theres no proof of.

    To turn the public against Communism and put paid to the thought of Socialist trade unions, the government blew up Wall st with a bomb and blamed it on communist sympathizers. none of whom incidentally have ever been traced, nor left a single clue behind.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    3 years ago

    To know what Communism was about, all anyone would have had to do was to simply look at the Soviet Union's coat of arms. It shows their hammer and sickle covering a globe with the rising sun. They clearly had intentions of expanding Communism all over the world.

    The door to Communism in America was opened by Franklin Roosevelt when involved American forces with the other Allied forces in 1944. The Soviet Union had already joined Britain in 1941 and once America got into it their unholy alliance was formed. Roosevelt and Britain knew already of the millions of Russian people they murdered - before they ever got involved in the war. But they (Britain and the US) didn't seem to mind associating with criminals - since they too were criminals.

    America never really realized the extent that Communism had made its way into the country until the 1950s when Senator Joe McCarthy began a witch hunt investigating and accusing everyone and his brother of being a Communist. Many Hollywood celebrities were investigated and some had their careers ruined because of it.

    Communism in America today is just as relevant - only it's more accepted because it's disguised as the Democratic Party. Obama was a Communist as well as Hillary Clinton. Obama's Kenyan father was a Communist revolutionary and his mentor in Hawaii, Frank Marshall Davis was also a Communist (Marxist) revolutionary. Hillary's mentor was Saul Alinsky - also a Marxist.

    Had Hillary been elected she would have taken the reins from Obama and further dragged America into Communism. The Red Scare exposed a lot of truth, only it was covered up too quickly. It was a new experience at the time and the 1950s was an age of innocence - they probably thought it was a passing thing and were glad when it was over. At the time they were too scared of being labeled a Communist to realize what lay in store.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    After WW2 Russia tried to destabilize the countries of the world by stirring unions and agitators into causing havoc to industry and things like public transport. There were those at the time who believed Russia was a utopia due to communism not realising that life there was hard and at times dangerous with purges of the innocent and constant spying on the citizens. Just criticizing the government risked being sent for years to a Gulag and a life of hell. Many Russian Embassy staff were really spies and special communist agitators whose job it was to steal western military secrets and to agitate the workforce to try and ruin the capitalist system hoping to make capitalism collapse.

    The western governments were worried that the democratic system of government would collapse under the false belief that people would believe communism was a better system. Russia of course was setting itself up to control all these new communist countries so basically was trying to take over the world by destroying capitalism from inside each country by

    destabilising each country's manufacturing through constant strikes. Russia helped communist sympathisers into high up union positions and got them to do their best to destroy the industries. The late 60s and early 70s there were always strikes caused by communist sympathiser union leaders.

    America responded by searching out anyone who had possible links to communism. Edgar Hoover head of the FBI was shameful in the way he gathered information against communists quite often using blackmail to get innocent people to act as his spies. There were massive trials and many of those who were tried were ruined as you said. He had huge files on many innocent citizens which gave him immense power which he abused badly. He became a man to be feared by everyone from the President down as if he took a dislike to you he could call you a communist and ruin your life.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Paranoid Republicans made life a living hell for the people they accused of communism. Many of these people's lives were ruined by these ridiculous witch hunts. No wonder McCarthy died in shame and disgrace!

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  • Athena
    Lv 7
    3 years ago


    (And have you read any news lately??)

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Yes, communism was being filtered into the USA via the mass media, through movies, screenplays and song lyrics.

  • 3 years ago

    It's easy to sit back now, in the air conditioning, and speculate about whether this was necessary or not. But there was a time when our way of life was uncertain. Had communism spread any further, we might now all be living under a communist government. Perhaps after reading up on what that was like, you decide if it was necessary to raise the alarm.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    In the 1930s the Pink scare was very serious in the United States. FDR and the democrats were scared of the communists winning many seats in government.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    The only reason collectivism failed was due to state takeovers and people like Stalin, anarcho-communism would be a viable solution to most socio-economic issues. What the west feared more than communism failing (As seen by Orwell first hand) would have been it succeeding, power structures and privilege disappearing, that's what the west feared more. Our masters were simply scared we'd see a better way of life and reject our our old one, don't think the "red scare" was engineered to help us, it was simply a tactic to preserve our decadent banker overlords.

  • 3 years ago

    Not necessary, but the U.S. Government is notorious for having xenophobia.

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