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Who or what is Allah, and what happens when you die? What is the afterlife like according to Islam?

8 Answers

  • 3 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Islam only knows of carnal desires, and not much fun if you are a woman.

    So very obviously man made.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    3 years ago

    Allah is one he is eternal he is neither born nor give birth there is nothing like him,well after life may be heaven or hell

  • 3 years ago

    Allah is god. Yes, christians, muslims AND jews all worship THE SAME god. It's just a disagreeance over the legitimacy of the prophets.

    Would probably irk most christians to know that muslims ALSO accept jesus as a prophet of the lord.

    The jews don't acknowledge jesus or mohammad as prophets.

    I repeat THE SAME GOD.

  • 3 years ago

    "At the moment of death, our soul rises out of its host body. If the soul is older and has experience from many former lives, it knows immediately it has been set free and is going home. These advanced souls need no one to greet them. However, most souls I work with are met by guides just outside Earth's astral plane.

    A young soul, or a child who has died, may be a little disoriented until someone comes closer to ground level for them. There are souls who choose to remain at the scene of their death for a while. Most wish to leave at once. Time has no meaning in the spirit world. Discarnates who choose to comfort someone who is grieving, or have other reasons to stay near the place of their death for a while, experience no sense of time loss. This becomes now time for the soul as opposed to linear time.

    Homecoming is a JOYOUS interlude, especially following a physical life where there might not have been much karmic contact with our intimate soulmates. Most of my subjects tell me they are welcomed back with HUGS, LAUGHTER and much HUMOR, which I find to be a hallmark of life in the spirit world."

    Destiny of Souls - Michael Newton

    “Regardless of their state of mind right after death, my subjects are full of exclamations about rediscovered marvels of the spirit world. Usually, this feeling is combined with EUPHORIA that all their worldly cares have been left behind, especially physical pain. Above all else, the spirit world represents a place of supreme quiescence to the traveling soul.

    Although it may at first appear we are alone immediately following death, we are not isolated or unaided. Unseen intelligent energy forces guide each of us through the gate. New arrivals in the spirit world have little time to float around wondering where they are or what is going to happen to them next. Our guides and a number of soulmates and friends wait for us close to the gateway to provide recognition, affection, and the assurance we are all right. Actually, we feel their presence from the moment of death because much of our initial readjustment depends upon the influence of these kindly entities toward our returning soul.

    Since encountering friendly spirits who meet us after death is so important, how do we recognize them? I find a general consensus of opinion among subjects in hypnosis about how souls look to each other in the spirit world. A soul may appear as a mass of energy, but apparently it is also possible for non-organic soul energy to display human characteristics. Souls often use their capacity to project former life forms when communicating with each other. Projecting a human life form is only one of an incalculable number of appearances which can be assumed by souls from their basic energy substance.”

    Journey of Souls – Michael Newton

    {Information received from the past-life regressions of thousands of people.}

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  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Allahs the devil

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    Allah is a fictional character that some people hold up as a god either in the present or the past, just the same as Zeus, Yahweh, Jehova, Thor, Vishnu, Ra, and so on.

    What happens when you die can be answered two ways. Physically, the body shuts down as the supply of oxygen is deprived due to respiration and/or the heartbeat stopping. At that point it begins to decompose. As far as the consciousness goes, nobody knows. It's impossible for anyone to know what is actually experienced by the consciousness of a person when they die and what happens to the existence of that consciousness. Some say absolutely nothing, an end of existence, no awareness whatsoever ever again. Others say the consciousness lives on in some form of an afterlife, whether it's a religious model or something more existential, such as transitioning higher dimensions and such. But the thing is, nobody knows and it would be impossible to get any information about it back into this world for living people to know. And anybody who claims that they (or their religion) know what happens is full of sh!t. We'll each just have to wait and see what happens. Either there will be something, in which case we can say, "Cool, I want to see what the afterlife has to offer!," or there will be absolute nothingness, in which case there will be no consciousness existing to lament the lack of an afterlife.

    As far as what the islamic version of the afterlife is like, I have no idea. Probably something stupid and horrible just like the christian version of the afterlife.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Allah means 'The God', literally. He is our Creator. The Master of the universe, heavens, hell, earth, Master of the unseen world and all creation that exist within or on earth belongs to Him. Ruler of the Moon, Sun rotations. Lord of the Daybreak. All creations naturally worship God. He guards, protects all that is His and constantly actively looking after His creations even if some people begun to disbelief and thinking all devices been left to them..thinking, it is up to them or alone without a Creator, a Master. His decisions are righteous and many reasons behind it. The Sustainer. Trusting in God, only good can occur..only good outcome. All evil that occurs on earth is not of God, evil does exist and constantly doing evil things onto others. God is the bringer of harm, the taker of harm as well but doesn't approve of evil. God is my everything, my master and owner of all. All good in the universe belongs to Him and came from Him. All praises belongs to God and loves to be praised, worshiped, and remembered. He loves His creations more than our own mothers. The way God expresses love is unique and can be expressed in signs, in the way He sends His messages or the way things are in our lives has something to do with God's love. If He truly loves a particular servant, He expresses the love throughout the heavens, and the people of earth come to love that person too. He creates a love of you in the hearts of His creations. The source or how to earn His love is the way He is worshiped and remembered. How close is this intimate relationship. The worship itself turns into a love.

    When getting close to God, God wishes for His creations to come to Him and build a stronger relationship with Him. Which is why certain events take place in life. It isn't to punish but to call onto His servants and to test them. When He's fond of someone, He may test them further to test their loyalties to Him.

    Allah doesn't like arrogance, all arrogance attitude belongs to Him that is another reason why He is the true Master in any of His worlds and creations as the Powerful One, the Knowledgeable One, God is many wonderful things. Arrogance only influences evil or encourages evil to ruin us humans and furthers us away from God instead of being humble and submissive to God. Allah doesn't like hypocrites and doesn't like to be worshiped with or along with other 'gods' people do. Allah is to be worshiped alone. He is independent of all things and it is people that depend on Him. He is alone, has no partners and doesn't beget or begotten. He is Self-sustaining. Allah has no beginning or ending. He never sleeps and protects the universe.

    He will and will guide whoever seeks Him for the way. God will also share of His teachings, His nature for He is the Ultimate Teacher and bearer of all knowledge, all secrets. Look how compassionate Allah is and loving, May God have mercy on the believers!

    Allah is the Healer of hearts, controller of hearts/carer of hearts, souls and the Restorer. He is forbearing, the Patient one, the Understanding one, most considerate. The Indulgent one. The All-powerful and Protector. The Restrictor. Giver of life, Taker of life. He reveals Himself to whomever He wishes and teaches of His nature or just what God is, etc. God has many names, all the good names and all the good characteristics or titles belong to God. Allah has 99 names. Not only is He the Most High, Most Magnificent His throne is in the Most High in the universe. God is many things, and God is One. One deity.

    The choice is yours, you and anyone else on this earth has some free will and the choice is yours if you'll want to seek your Master, the owner of you and owner of everything. Everyday we have choices on what we will do and if we will please God or not. Furthermore, to thank Him for all the good blessings and the bad moments..for they also are in a way blessings. They are to help us seek God instead of focusing on the bad, distancing ourselves alone when we can seek the company and comfort of God. God is the healer of hearts and all knowing, he understands how we really feel compared to anyone else. Nothing makes our Master happiest than when we are at our lowest, loneliest hour of seeking Him constantly as well as when we are very content and always giving thanks for the wonderful blessings. Its all about building a personal, intimate/submissive relationship and guidance with the Lord and a good one until our dying day. That is all we will take with us. Nothing of this world will truly help you in any way. Not even a friend, a relative, wealth and any other possessions don't mean much or can't help you at the mercy of God one day. Its best to center God in every aspect of life and build the focus on God. Amassing wealth or any other luxuries mean nothing, its useless compared to God and how insignificant we are at His presence.

    You'll be judged on what Allah thinks of you than your appearance. Its about your soul and the deeds you've done when you were alive. And if you obeyed Him or not. He is the Just, The Judge on Resurrection Day.

    He will preserve the dead instead of perishing into the soil only if they are deserving of His mercy, His kindness. He will let the Angel of Death be kind to the soul as the soul is retrieved, if the dead has earned that privilege. Some people experience peaceful death and some painful deaths. Those who earned His kindness, Allah will make their resting place pleasant and comfortable.

    Allah is the Creator of 7 heavens and hells. Each are according to what His creations earned for an afterlife. The deceased will be asked certain questions about their faith in the grave when the soul is returned for questioning and will be shown where they will be going on Resurrection Day ahead of time.

    Some souls become heart broken for what they've earned, and some souls are filled with Joy. They can't wait for the end of the world.

    Will it be a good, eternal afterlife? or punishment of the fire for an eternity? It is up to Him yet He is a Merciful, fair, God.

  • 3 years ago

    Funny that you should ask.

    Religious people think their heaven is different than everybody else's,

    even though they're all made up the same way and have the same lack of originality or evidence.

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