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How can atheists not hear and accept this? Jesus Christis the truth, the way, and the life! Jesus loves you!

22 Answers

  • 3 years ago

    You people are soooooooo needy! We are under no obligation to adopt your superstitious, wishful thinking in order to help you feel more secure in your fragile faith.

  • 3 years ago

    How can atheists not hear and accept this? Jesus Christis the truth, the way, and the life!

    - We hear it and still stick with Santa and the Easter Bunny.

    Jesus loves you!

    - And if you don't accept that he will torture you forever.

  • 3 years ago

    Quite easily, thank you. The same way as you can't accept that Horus loves you.

  • 3 years ago

    Why pick on atheists? There are 7.6 billion people on this planet and 5.4 billion do not accept Jesus as "the truth, the way, and the life" but follow other gods and other religions. Most are not atheists. Even among the 2.2 billion Christians they can't decide what their gods are or how to worship them which is why half the Christians are Catholics and the rest are spread among more than 40,000 different sects and religions all calling themselves Christian but all disagreeing with each other.

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  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Because much like their matriarch, Madalyn Murray O'Hara, whose dismal demise her followers should take heed. Atheist, being Anti-Christ, fools and devoid of the Light, which is God, have no recompense or redeemer for their sinful deeds & thus by perverting the Truth (Jesus) are given over to a reprobate mind striking out in the hope that ridicule will somehow proselyte Christians into sharing atheist stagnant hollow existence little realizing they will stand before the final Judge after their death one day & give account for every sin committed while here on earth & be judged accordingly. <t><

  • 3 years ago

    Where I live, paper is used as money.

    Each piece has a serial number.

    The possibility of randomly guessing a ten-digit string of characters is close to impossible.

    So, people ARE allowed to ask folks like you to pray for a healing, of an injury or a disease.

    But Unbelievers would most likely give credit for that healing to the people who provided the MEDICAL treatments.

    And people are allowed to ask folks like you to pray for favorable weather, a good harvest.

    But Unbelievers would most likely give credit for THOSE outcomes, to "natural forces".

    Here's you chance, Believer.

    Pray that your ALL-Knowing God (or Goddess, if you have one) will reveal unto YOU, the ten-digit string on the piece folded up under my stereo.

    Post whatever 10-digit string you get, as a COMMENT.

    I'll unfold the money, and if it's a match, I'll subscribe to your religion.

    If your God or Goddess does NOT know, or does not CARE what I believe, or does not exist, there will be no answer.

    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>One Day Later <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    Can't help but notice that NOBODY trusts their God or Goddess enough to ASK for the number.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Fake news

  • 3 years ago

    I’m glad you are happy and healthy. Sounds like you can overcome any obstacle. I hope you will make a difference, or contribute verse, find your purpose in life.

    Source(s): Humanist, constitutionalist, and possible Buddhist.
  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Where da poof !

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Substitute Jesus with James Jones. It’s the same message. You could substitute Hitler as well.

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