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? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 3 years ago

Tension between USA and Iran, can it turn ugly?

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Ready to attack, next month.

    If they do, Iran will retaliate.

    Sure, if the neocons have it their way. They are still IN CHARGE of foreign policy!

    U.S. loathes Iran, for ONE overwhelming reason. Shia Iran doesn't believe in monarchy rule, where power passes down the hereditary line, because that opens the way for corruption.

    But U.S. allies the Sunni Salafist Wahhabi DO. U.S. the land that never stops promoting "DEMOCRACY" is IN BED with repressive absolute monarchs, akin to France before the French revolution chopped off their heads, to free themselves.

    In 1953 the CIA coup overthrew the democratically elected president of Iran to supplant him with a monarch, the dictator Shah. He spent millions on parties for his jet setting rich friends, whilst the Iranians starved.

    In 1979, when Iranians overthrew his dictatorship, it sent a CHILL through the Sunni monarchs!!!! Since they use the wealth of their nation as a personal piggy bank, whilst the masses DO as told.

    Sunni monarchs FEAR Shia Iran. As long as Shia Iran EXISTS it sends a beacon of hope, to other Muslims, there is an alternative to ABSOLUTE MONARCHY.

    Al Qaeda and their numerous knockoffs are ALL Sunni salafist wabbahi. Al Qaeda's ideology emerges from U.S. ally Saudi Arabia.

    Since Iran is NOT in the pocket of the U.S. like Sunni Saudi Arabia, Israel TOO fears Iran, because of 2006 when Israel was defeated in Lebanon. Israel and Iran under the U.S. backed Shah got on famously.

    2003 Iraq has BANKRUPTED U.S. shown it to be a PAPERTIGER.

    60% of the taxes pay for the military-SURVEILLANCE industrial complex, and yet U.S. hasn't managed TO WIN.

    And since U.S. neocons are still encircling Russia with NATO and Russia and Iran are allies, in Syria........

    and China cannot be threatened into NOT trading with Iran........

    U.S. will end up going to war with Iran's allies as well, because U.S. has also been targeting Russia and China. "Future historians may well identify Russian President Vladimir Putin’s landmark March 1 speech as the ultimate game-changer in the 21st-century New Great Game in Eurasia. The reason is minutely detailed in Losing Military Supremacy: The Myopia of American Strategic Planning, a new book by Russian military/naval analyst Andrei Martyanov." "Iran has another strong weapon which they already made clear, they will use, if the US attempts seriously to block anyone from buying Iranian oil and gas. Iran can block the Gulf of Hormuz, where daily about 30% of all hydrocarbon used by the world is being shipped, including about half to the United states. This might increase the price of petrol exponentially and ruining many countries’ economies. However, higher prices would also benefit Russia, China and Venezuela, precisely the countries that Washington wants to punish."

    Source(s): 'Russia ditching USTreasuries for gold in bid to protect economy & diversify' 'Russia set to wean economy off US$ as Washington ratchets up sanctions' Each of the 45 dots is a U.S. military base
  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    Nope; the towelhead knows who the alfa-male is and its the one with the best military in tge world. He's just pounding his chest to save face.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    The USA are trying to ensure it does

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Pretty ugly already, isn’t it?

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  • 3 years ago

    It's been ugly between the US and Iran ever since Khomeini took over during Carter's administration. He is another of the Muslim leaders who wants to be the head of the Caliphate for the whole world. He's no different from El Baghdadi of ISIS in that regard. The Muslims did it once with the Ottoman Empire, they want to do it again.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago


  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    The US planned to go to war with Iran back in 2001. I don't know why people are surprised by this, they've been preparing for a long time. Back in 2002 they spent $250 million simulating a war between the US and Iran. The national security advisor of the United States also promised to overthrow Iran.

    It's not like this would be the first time the US got involved in Iran. The US overthrew Iran's democratic government back in 1953 and replaced it with a fascist dictatorship. But in 1979, there was a revolution and the Iranian people took their country back. Given the US has lost their control over Iran, it's not surprising they are planning some way to get it back.

    It's impossible to know when the US is going to try and topple Iran. But it's clearly in the playbook and is something they will attempt eventually. If they can't do it via CIA-backed coup like they did the first time, they will eventually have to resort to an invasion like with Iraq or Afghanistan.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Yes, the megalomaniac traitor Trump is ugly.

  • 3 years ago

    Didn't we hear the same thing back in March when Trump was being tough on N. Korea?

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    I doubt it

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