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Advice? This one is for anyone over 60 on Yahoo.?

This question is for the senior citizens on Yahoo.

What do you think is the biggest difference between now and when you were young? What advice would you have for young people now?

After the fifties, college was affordable, jobs were nearly everywhere. There were bad things, too, like the cold war and two hot ones, but you could live so long as you were willing to work.

Nowadays, it seems that being willing to work has little to do with outcomes. Work oftentimes isn't available and college is so expensive that it's your parent's finances that usually determine your education level, not your own thrift. You can't even get the huge loans you need to go to university without a cosigner. Who will cosign unless they're related to you? Isn't this a lot different from the way it was when you were younger?

What would you have done differently if today's circumstances existed when you were just starting out?

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5 Answers

  • 3 years ago

    while college back then was affordable, everyone didn't go because there were(and still are) lots of good jobs available that didn't need college and maybe only on the job training or technical schools..things like mechanic, plumber, carpenter, brick layer, nursing, pharmacist, etc.

    Those same jobs are still out there and still don't need a 4 year degree.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Go to a local city/state college, try for a grant/school aid. Something in the medical field is a good job. Save as much as you can for your old age. With luck you will find a good person to marry, have a small family (1 or 2) children.

  • Janet
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    THE BIGGEST DIFFERENCE? I understand how to be happy now, and I didn’t when I was young. As for external/political/social/technological changes, the truth of Life IS change. But the only change that matters is your inner change. But I cannot advise you about today’s career environment, since I am no longer involved in that.


    Young people … make inner happiness your goal. While it is difficult to be happy if we are in physical pain, it is not impossible. And it is difficult to be happy if we don’t have enough food, or live in a box under a bridge. But not impossible.

    We cannot even share with others and find joy in that until we are happy within.

    “Wealth & fame amplifies whatever is underneath. If you are unhappy, it makes you more unhappy. If you are insecure, it makes you more insecure. This is why so many people start to abuse drugs and become addicted once they become rich.

    If you are secure and at peace inside, wealth turns you into a philanthropist.

    In a way, wealth and fame are like marriage. None of these will make you happy unless you are already happy. And if you are not happy, they make you even unhappier.

    Happiness is a state of mind and comes only from our mind”


    Well, we all do the best we can, given our current emotional development and the knowledge we have available to us.

    But if I knew THEN what I know NOW …

    I would have started taking lessons in Buddhism from a qualified monk, and applied myself to the practices. These practices have made such HUGE inner changes in the short 18 years I’ve been doing them. And my teacher, who is 30+ years ahead of me in this … has become SO compassionate, centered, joyfully peaceful. It is amazing to see his transformation, even though he was far ahead of where I currently am, when I first started taking lessons.

    I don’t have another 30 years left in this life, so I would have started this inner journey when I was younger, had I known then what I know now.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Everything that has to do with Technology and the lack of respect from youngsters.

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  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    I would grab an apprenticeship in a profession and hope to impress the company.

    If they employ me they will pay for my training and exams and offer me a career.

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